It makes me smile :)

Well, originally I was going to have a nice long post about what makes me happy-related to my August Night Sky post.

...unfortunately my lunch hour is just about up, so I'll save that for tomorrow. :)

Instead I'll just post two little things that made me smile:

Yesterday I was out sick (no, that did not make me happy-my ear was killing me!) Anyhoo,
Perseph gave me a call to see how I was doing, and mentioned that Karen noticed I wasn't in and hoped that I felt better too. That certainly brightened my day and made me feel a whole lot better! :) Thanks, guys!

The second happened this morning. I was riding the bus with my coworker Barb and we got off at the library and saw Ron, another coworker who rides the bus with us, walking towards us. So Barb calls out, 'I see somebody got the early bus today!'

Ron, with a semi-serious/mock-horrified look, replies, 'You mean it isn't time to go home yet?!?!'

LOL-that totally made my day.
