Thank you! Come again.

D.W.Q.M.: "I'll never be cruel to an electron in a particle accelerator again." -the Fourth Doctor

Hmm...ok, so maybe the title of this entry isn't as funny unless you've played Apu in Simpson's Road Rage... Oh, well, I tried. ;)

Before I go on...

Novelty Item of the week: The Fast Food Novel, aka, the Romance Novel, or the Mc-Novel (ah,yes, this is what we talk about at lunch in the library-books! Imagine that... ;)) They are $$cheap, fast, easy reads...

Chemical Compound of the week: NUCO2, Nitro-urano-carbon dioxide....what?!?! Persephone's brother and his boss were driving on the highway last weekend and saw an overturned truck with that compound on it...or what he thought was a compound. So he called Perseph to see if she knew what it was. She didn't recognize it, so she did a Google search, and found out that it was a beverage company! Silly little brother. ;)

More Solar update info: Both regions 486 and 488 have rotated off the visible disk, but apparently just before it rotated to the other side of the sun, 486 managed to produce another X-17+ flare! NOAA predicts that region 486 is still capable of producing isolated major flares, and will probably become more moderate as the week moves on. Solar activity is still high, but there's no telling whether or not this activity will reach it's former glory when the regions become visible again in 2 weeks. (Most likely not-which is good for the satelites, but not so good for the aurora watchers. ;) ) BTW, chek out the gallery at the Solar Terrestrial Dispatch-they have some beautiful pictures from last week's auroral displays from all over the world! The Solar Terrestrial Dispatch reported that the flare was somewhere in the X30-X40 range-definitely record breaking flare. NOAA only says it's a recorded breaking X17+, they didnt' give a specific value. You be the judge-here's a link to the reports for NOAA and the S.T.D. Oh, quick note : the info provided by the links will probably change if either site gets new reports. You'll notice the link to the STD from my previous entry will bring you to the same page as the link in this entry. :)
