Thank you, AstroAlert!

I signed up for Sky and Telescope's astro alerts awhile ago, and I received this in my inbox earlier today (well, it actually came last night, but I didn't check my email last night) So, rather than try to summarize what it said, I thought I would post part of the message:

"The location of the auroral ovals have migrated substantially equatorward. This means that locations that are normally far from the auroral oval may be located inside the oval. As a result, the potential for observing periods of moderate to strong auroral storm activity exists for a large area of the middle and low latitude regions.

"The areas that are particularly well placed are those in New Zealand and Australia and Europe. The arrival of the disturbance provided western North America with a powerful show (bright red auroral activity visible well into the United States). Unfortunately, sunrise quickly extinguished attempts to view activity from the eastern regions.

" The disturbance probably won't have the duration to last through to nightfall in North America. Nevertheless, storms of this strength usually produce sporadic periods of visible auroral activity well into the middle latitude regions even during the declining phase of the activity. So it might be well worth the effort to take a moment and look skyward tonight even if conditions might not appear favorable..."
-From the Solar Terrestrial Dispatch. dated 11/20/2003.

Woo-hoooo!!!!!!!! :) :)
