Days of Our Libraries, episode 1

D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "Do you know what it's all about? "
Jo Grant: "Not really, just that it's aliens from outer space. "
Benton: "It always is."

The question of the day is, what the heck is a metadata librarian?

Okay, so we have this new position open, a position for a metadata librarian. We were told it was like Jean's old job (Jean retired almost a year ago) but not. Jean cataloged videos, dvds, microfilm, original cataloging of books, reclassifying some of the deweys. When she retired, her work was divided up and given to others.

Now, before I go on, a little history of the interviewing process at the library. When I interviewed for my full time positition, I gave my resume to Human Resources and filled out a form there. I was called in for an interview, and for less than an hour, interviewed with one person-the supervisor of the department. After that, I had a follow up at HR about a week later, and we set my start date. Now these interviews are all day affairs, and you are interviewed in front of an entire committee, which can be brutal, so I hear. Well, there have been several librarian positions open, and whenever a canidate interviews for one, we are given his or her entire schedule. (I mean, do we really need to know that the candidate is being taken to lunch at Sergios?!?)

So back to the metadata librarian candidate. Now, the main problem is that it's a totally brand new position for the library, and no one (at least people I talk to), not even the committee members, knows what the position is really about. We've had two candidates already, and I'm still not 100% sure what a metadata librarian is, so it's hard to know what questions to ask, which is precisely what our department was supposed to do. We got to meet the candidates and were told to ask them questions...for a half hour. Unfortunately, since we weren't sure what to ask, we had maybe 10 minutes worth of questions (sporadic questions, followed by uncomfortable silences) Ahhh...and we have another candidate coming in next week! aaaahhh! We need more info!!!

And it's only Monday!!!! ;) *heeheee*

hmm....this is a big week for season premieres....I better get crackin' on my tvjunkie files.... :-D

scarf update: 367/830 rows (yah, i know, I'm totally slackin' on this. I really need to get on the ball! ...the ball of yarn!! lol-sorry, bad joke. ;) )
