Your local weather report

D.W.Q.M.: Barbara: "Perhaps it's frozen."
The First Doctor: "No, impossible... not in this temperature. Besides, it's too warm."

Coming in a close third after the SciFi Channel and TV Land, the Weather Channel is probably the most watched channel on my cable. Yes, I admit, sometimes I watch the Weather Channel just for the heck of it. It can be amusing at times-amusing I say? Yes, amusing.

For example, my friend Jer once said he was watching the Weather channel at 4am-they were doing a live report on location during a hurricane. He said that this huge gust of wind came up and blew everything over, and the reporter shouted, "Oh, Sh--!!" No time for bleeps there. :-D ;)

Then there is the local forecast. Normally, it'll give you the time, temp, current wind, and whether or not it's sunny, snowing, raining, foggy etc. Well once my local forecast reported sand. Sand?!? Yeppers, sand. Don't know how or why, but it said sand. This morning I turned on the Weather channel, and guess what it said the weather was? Dusty. Dusty? Sand? That sounds like we are living in the desert, rather than on the shores of a Great Lake. LOL.

So, to all of my readers here at home- I hope you have a nice, bright, sunny, dusty day!

To all: HAve a great weekend!! Happy Valentines Day!!
