coming soon to a library near you...

D.W.Q.M.: The Fourth Doctor: "Should we try using our intelligence?
Leela: "Well, if you think that's a good idea."

Breakfast cereal of the day: Captain Smack Puffs- 'the heroin that smokes like a joint' Brought to you by Paul. :)
Interesting gadget of the week: A coffin that, with the press of 2 buttons, explodes into a jet ski-MacGyver style, of course. :)
Most Exciting Sports moment of the weekend: the Fourth Inning of the 2nd Boston Red Sox/New York Yankees playoff game. Cleared the benches! 'nuff said.
Goal for the Week: To finish putting up all of my Halloween decorations!

Well, I'm over halfway there-99% of my lights, 95% of the halloween garland and 100% of the wall and window decos are up. I just have to arrange a few Halloween figures around, and find a place for my lighted Halloween village, and then I'm all set. I love lights-just ask anybody who has been to my apartment. ;)

Things are pretty slow here at the library- for me, at least until the Approval plan really starts to kick in. In the meantime, I'm trying to find other things to do, since I don't have many books to catalog.

Well, they found something for me to do-I am doing 'form to books'. Our collection managers receive forms every week from our vendor with titles that our coming out that might match their profiles. They give me the forms they want, and I go online and 'activate' them. I guess it's low-level ordering-I'm telling them to go ahead and send them through the Approval plan. I've done alot the past couple of weeks-hopefully soon we'll actually start receiving some of them!!

Here are some interesting, cheery (yeah, right) titles that I've come across:
"The Daemon of Theory: Literature and Common Sense" (oooh, exciting)
"Essential Guide to Werewolf Literature" (just what i needed-a guide to books that'll scare the crap out of me-oh, wait, i like books like that! ;) )
"Bloodscripts: Writing the Violent Subject" (eh, won't even go there)
"The Vulgar Tounge: Medieval and Postmedieval Vernacularity" (this actually sounds interesting)

Well, there is no guarentee when these books will actually arrive, but the library wants 'em! :) Actually, I love this aspect of my job-I get to see what comes in before anybody else! :-D
