hey, who turned off the lights?

D.W.Q.M: Third Doctor: "...I should have an oil lamp over here somewhere..."
Sarah Jane Smith: "Let me guess, you are going to rub it and produce a genie."
Third Doctor: "No, I'm going to light it and illuminate us...ah there we are."
Sarah Jane(with a smile): "Hooray for good old fashion oil."

What happened to the power?

Gotta love summer storms-last night the power went off and on again 3 times in a row before going out completely. Thank goodness for battery backup on the computer!! Yoda (my computer) was quite happy to be shut down properly after the power outage. Too bad the AC didn't have one... ;) I have so many candles, I could go for a couple of months without the lights...it's just too bad that after 10 minutes you start to get a headache from scents that were never meant to be burned together... (hey, can you tell i'm reading Bob Hope's My Life in Jokes? ;)

Seriously though, I always seem to forget how much I take electricity for grant it. No lights, no cable, no radio, no AC, and no fans!! No comforting hum of the refridgerator, just the annoying little beep on the battery backup to let you know that the power is out. (speaking of annoying noises, my fire alarm went off 2 hours before my alarm clock for no apparent reason-i checked around too, and since my apartment hasn't burnt down, I have no idea what set it off) Anyho, the power went out last night around 7:15pm-my entire block was out, including the intersection and half the stores in Coventry. Unfortunately, I decided to take a nap while there was still light, instead of doing something like reading or knitting. When I awoke an hour and a half later, the sun was setting, and it was incredibly hot and muggy-it had stopped raining, but there was no breeze coming in through the windows. So I decided to light some candles, turn on the small, 3 inch battery operated tv, and knit by the candlelight. At least CBS came in through the antenna on the little tv so I could watch CSI:Miami. ;) Guess I really wasn't roughing it, huh? LOL. But have you ever tried to knit by candlelight? It's quite difficult, especially since I was working with dark yarn. The lights did come back on almost exactly 3 hours after they went out-yay!!! "roughing it" for 3 hours wasn't really bad at all. :)))

Gotta run-but before i go, i just wanted to let you know that my blog will have a new home soon. (Thank you, Jaya!) I just have to move it over sometime in the very near future... ;)

scarf update: 125/830 rows
