Some updates on a cold, snowy, SPRING? night.

D.W.Q.M.: Barbara: "Perhaps it's frozen?"
the First Doctor: "No, impossible... not in this temperature. Besides, it's too warm."

It's snowing. It's snowing. Hard to believe that it was 80 degrees on Tuesday, and by Wednesday night, we had snow on the ground. Come on, it's April! It's spring! (Wow, living in Ohio has made me soft. Snow in April used to be 'normal'.) ;)

So much to say, so much has been going on. I'm not even sure where to begin with updates.

I guess I should start with my promotion-yes, I got a promotion at work. However, it's name only (no money for raises this year). My job title went from a II to a III, and I have more responsiblity. Now I'm an ordering assistant. I actually order books now! I'm still receiving and cataloging Approval plan books-but now I'm also dealing with firm orders-searching, downloading records, ordering books/dvds from different vendors. So many new logins and passwords to remember. My job is more stressful now, but so far I'm doing ok. Although-I sit and stare a a computer more. At least when I'm cataloging, I'm looking at the book part of the time. Ah, well...

Hmmm...let's see, what else have I been up to? Still having fun babysitting! Last month I went on a Dayton/Cincinatti hockey trip. Sunday I was in Columbus-and in two weeks I'll be traveling to Pittsburgh. I really enjoy babysitting-and it's so cool when 'lil K says my name. :) They were going to the Columbus Zoo after Sunday's game, and I asked her if she wanted me to come, and she said, 'Yes!' *hee*

Oooh, I'm on the masquarade committe at
Marcon this year! I've always wanted to do some 'behind the scenes' stuff at a convention. The only down side is most of my Saturday will be taken up by masquarade events. I'm going to be a 'stage ninja' (I'll be guiding contestants either on or off the stage). We had a meeting down in Mansfield a couple of weeks ago-it was alot of fun. We were also informed that they would make sure we get to meet Kevin Sorbo (he's a guest this year, and I'm glad I'm not the only one on the committee that wants to meet him.) LOL!!

Non-Sport Update's "Open That Box" day is April 14th, and I'm going to participate again this year! This year marks a new chapter in my trading card hobby. I actually bought a box-and this is the first time that I didn't go looking for one on eBay. I used a dealer who advertized in the NSU Magazine. I don't normally buy boxes (this is my 5th box-six if you count the box of Elvis cards I found for my sister on eBay) The folks at Barrington Cards are awesome. I sent them a money order, and within a week I had my cards! All in all-my first box purchase outside of eBay was a pleasant experience. :) Now my (still sealed) box of Battlestar Galactica season 2 trading cards sits on my coffee table, taunting me. When I got my cards, I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it to the 14th...until I realized that the 14th was only 2 weeks away, and the first week is Easter-so it's not like I'd have time, anyway! ;)

Speaking of Easter-tomorrow (or today, as it's after midnight already), is the Good Friday procession at St. Rocco's. I'll be playing with Italian band. It's going to be cold and snowy. Hopefully my fingers won't get too numb, so I'll still be able to play my clarinet. The Doctor predicts that it will be a short procession, because the average age of those who participate is about sixty-five. Did I mention that it's going to be a tad chilly? ;)

TAFN-hopefully there won't be as long of a wait until my next update!
