D.W.Q.M.: "Your arrogance is nearly as great as your ignorance." -the First Doctor

For months, I have refused to buy the 'original' Star Wars triology on dvd, because, well-I didn't consider what Lucas put out to be the original. (I mean, come on-replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christiensen at the end of Jedi? what was that all about?!?!) I was upset that Lucas didn't include the original unaltered versions in the dvd release. He said something along the lines of he considered the original was a work in progress, so he wasn't going to release them on dvd-that we had our videos.

That's ok, I've got the videos and that's $70 that will remain in my pocketbook. ;p

Well, he must have changed his mind-it's been brought to my attention that
the original, un-altered versions of the original triology will become available on DVD until December 31st. Each release will also include the 2004 tweaked version. That's ok, I don't have to watch that if I don't want to! ;)

I'm not the only one who is happy:
Michael over at Big Orange Michael is also excited about the news. He said that there was a part of him that didn't really want to be cynical and say that Lucas has just found a way to milk more money out of Star Wars fans...LOL.

Well, he didn't milk any more money out of me-'cause I didn't cave in in the first place!! YEAH! Take that! WOO! ;)

Looks like I will finally be able to update my wishlist with Star Wars dvds-the ORIGINAL Star Wars. LOL. ;)

(special thanks to both Karen and Peter who alerted me to the announcement-you know me so well-you guys rock!)
