Doctor Who news

D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?"
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"

(author's note: this post can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern)

Series One (season 27) in the USA:
Fridays, 9pm EST on the SciFi Channel
Current episode:
Boom Town

Previous episodes:
The Doctor Dances
The Empty Child
Father's Day
The Long Game
World War III
Aliens of London
The Unquiet Dead
The End of the World

Series Two (season 28) in the UK:
Saturdays, at 6:35pm GMT on BBC1
Current episode:
The Age of Steel

Previous episodes:
The Rise of the Cybermen
The Girl in the Fireplace
School Reunion
Tooth and Claw
New Earth

U.K. Ratings: The Appreciation Index (AI) for the Rise of the Cybermen scored 86 last week. According to Outpost Gallifrey, not only is this the highest score for the second series, but it's one of the highest since the series return. Only the Parting of the Ways scored higher at 89.

I haven't seen any official ratings for SciFi's broadcast of the Doctor Dances yet. (The editor of OG has been pretty busy this week.)

from SciFi Wire:
Who Blitzes WWII London Steven Moffat, (the Empty Child, the Doctor Dances, and the Girl in the Fireplace [from series 2]) told SciFi Wire that he was "that he was surprised by the overwhelmingly positive response to the two-parter.." He had no idea how powerful the story was going to become. Neither did we! I can't tell you the number of adults who were spooked by this episode-it's like we were 5 years old again, hiding behind the couch. Not only is the two-parter my favorite from series one, but it ranks up there with my favorites from the series as a whole. I hope it wins the Hugo award.

Moffat is also responsible for one of the new series earliest catchphrases: "Are you my mummy?" my opinion, he's responsible for two: "Bananas are good." ;) LOL. 0:-)

Torchwood in the News
Articles about the spinoff, Torchwood have been spotted in the SciFi Wire and SyFy Portal:

from the SciFi Wire:
Torchwood Begins Production

Torchwood Ignited at Right Time

from SyFy Portal:
'Torchwood' Gets Underway

Right Time for 'Torchwood'

(actually, it looks like the SyFy Portal articles are just shorter summaries of the SciFi Wire articles-but that didn't stop me from reading both. LOL. ;) )

That's all for now. Have a fantastic weekend!!!
