the tooth fairy strikes again...sort of ;)

D.W.Q.M.: "Eureka" is Greek for "This bath is too hot". -the Fourth Doctor

Thank you, Perseph, for picking me up today and stopping at Walgreens so I could pick up my sub...per...uhh..PREsription. ;) You rock!

Ahh, yes-tonight I am recovering from the loss of my second wisdom tooth(upper right hand). (ow!) Last Friday, after biting down on an oatmeal cream pie, hearing a crunch and discovering that it wasn't hardened cream that made the crunching noise, I made another trip to the dentist this morning. Unfortunately Monday-Friday they are walk-ins only, but it was worth it, 'cause my dentist is totally cool-he can tell when you are nervous and tries to make small talk to take you mind off of the impending procedure. Last time it was about me being a Green Bay fan in the Dawg Pound, this time it was about me being a scifi geek (thanks to a Doctor Who tshirt and Jerm's copy of 'the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' that he leant me to read) Anyhoo, I had the same problem with this wisdom tooth as I did with my upper left hand-they were too far back in my mouth, so it made it impossible to clean. This tooth didn't give me nearly as much trouble as the other, though-for one thing-it wasn't nearly as painful as the last one, and when Dr. S went to pull it, he was done in less than 30 seconds. He had a slightly bewildered look on his face and said, 'Don't ask me how, but that wasn't nearly as hard as the last one!' Now I'm on antibiotics and painkillers, and am as happy as a clam. ;) LOL BTW, Karen-it was confirmed- I have (well, had) all 4 wisdom teeth.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing-first at Perseph's-they were a little backed up at Walgreens, so rather than take me home, she offered to take me to her place to hang out for a while while they filled my prescription. We watched an episode of MacGyver that had the actor who played Byers from the X-Files in it-boy, was he young lookin'! ;) Then I went home and watched the dvd that the Doctor had picked up from the library for me-it was from the second season of the Dick Van Dyke show, which included the episode, quite coincidently, 'A Man's Teeth Are Not His Own'. I almost considered skipping that episode, but I ended up watching it anyway. There was a joke about a man who had chipped a tooth on a piece of candy-he stood up and said, 'Is there a philoshoper in the house?' when asked why he needed a philosopher instead of a dentist, he replied, 'I chipped a wisdom tooth!' Ha! ;)
