A weekend in Minnesota...

D.W.Q.M.: "Trafalgar Square my foot! Not a pigeon in sight!" -Sarah Jane Smith

Ah, the first real day of my vacation, and what do we do? Go shopping!! My mom was looking for the spice Star Anise (i think that's how it's spelled) for some Christmas ornaments she wanted to make, so we bundled up Boo and headed out to Anoka, which had a food co-op that had the right spice. Now, to get there we had to transfer buses at the Northtown Mall. For those of you unfamiliar with the area, Northtown is pretty cool-it's where four cities meet-Fridley, Blaine, Spring Lake Park, and Coon Rapids. Neat, huh? ;) The bus shelters are nice-they are lighted, and can be heated during the winter for brief periods of time (it lasts about 10 minutes, but all you have to do is hit the button again to start the heat cycle over) Boo loves riding on the bus with Grandma, so she wasn't any trouble at all. Krismutt had tagged along too, so I snapped a couple of pics of the two of them waiting for the bus together. (BTW, taking Krismutt pics with a tot in tow is really sweet-she wanted to carry him for me, so everyone thought he was hers, rather than giving me strange looks. LOL ;) ) We had fun-we hit the Co-op in Anoka, then on the way back home, stopped in Northtown for a little while.

Sunday we went to church with my mom and I finally got to see my Uncle Johnny! :) (It had been almost a year since I last saw him) When you walk into the church there is a sign on the door that asked people to refrain from shaking hands during the greeting period, due to the flu that had been going around (apparently the pastor had just gotten over a bout of larengitis himself, so he was being precautious) When I walked up to my Uncle, he said, 'Well, we can't shake hands, but we can hug and kiss each other.' LOL. He always teases my mom-when she walked up with some Advent candles for my Aunt, he said,'Where'd you steal those from?' I chatted with him while my mom and aunt wander off somewhere, and after a while he turned to me and said, 'why don't we look for your mom and my wife? Or, we can look for my sister and your aunt.' :) Ah, I love my Uncle Johnny. :) That night we helped my mom decorate her apartment. If you think my place is overwhelming with Christmas decorations, you should see my mom's!! I definitly think i got my decorating gene from my mom. Her stuff is so cool. She has a little more space than I do to work with, so she can have 'themes'=she has a shelf full of snowmen, one of angels...she even has a tree farm! ;) (the tree farm was a result of a the different size trees she collected over the years-one year, instead of trying to find separate places of all of them, she put them all on a table, and it looked really cool. She's been doing it ever since.) Also, I am a big fan of multicolored Christmas lights, but there's just something about white lights wrapped around Christmas greens... :)
