"riggin' up the lights!"

D.W.Q.M.: "I can see you've been doing the TARDIS up a bit. I don't like it." -the Second Doctor to the Third Doctor

Sometimes I forget just how much preparing needs to be done before I can actually start decorating.

Step 1: Remove most non-holiday knicknacks and stuffed animals from living room and dining room areas.

Step 2: Clear desk and table of papers, paid bill stubs, magazines, junk mail and other assorted stuff that makes it's home there.

Step 3: Dig out all boxes marked 'Christmas' from all nooks and crannies.

As I struggled with removing some of the bigger boxes from my small closets, I came to the sad realization that I have probably reached my limit of Christmas decorations. (the funny part about this is I can see my friends reading this with a look of mock-horror and/or shock and saying, 'No! really?!?!' ;) ) I have repacked and rearranged everything dozens of times, and i'm not sure I can find room for some stuff that my mom collected for me over the summer. (My mom is the garage sale and thrift store queen! She can find all kinds of cool stuff, and usually spends less than 2 bucks on each item. The cool item for this year? Green Bay Packers Christmas balls. :-D) The other funny thing is, even though I have come to this realization, I will probably ignore it and continue to add to my Christmas faire...

Can you tell Christmas is my favorite holiday to decorate for? ;)

Tree, wreath and Advent wreath first, then up go the lights and garland. I only have about half of my lights up, and already I've had to replace 8 bulbs. 2 on a strand I bought last year!! I was getting pretty frustrated, but then my cd player switched to one of my Bing Crosby Christmas cds, so I felt better. :) Jerm was on his way over while I was in the middle of hanging up a strand. The Doctor walked in and said, "I bet when he walks in, he's going to say, 'Oh, my God!'" I replied, "No, what he'll probably say is, 'Oh, my Lord!'" We were both wrong-as soon as Jerm opened the door, he said, "Sweet Jesus!" ...and I'm not even halfway finished yet! LOL ;) When
Persephone and Paul walked in, she said, "So how long did you wait until after Thanksgiving to start this?" I don't think she really believed me when I said I had just started that afternoon. ;) *heehee*

Quick note: It's Plaid Tidings, not 'A Very Plaid Christmas'. I knew I had it wrong, but I drew a complete blank...stuff like that happens at two in the morning. ;)

The Vikings lost yesterday-WOO-HOO!! Green Bay is still only a half a game behind...I'm not giving up hope!!!! :) :)
