Almost time!

D.W.Q.M.: "How about a trip in the TARDIS? I'm just off." -the Fourth Doctor

Soon I will be on my way up North!! Yay! I can't wait to see my family and friends in MN. :) Now I just have to get through the rest of today. It doesn't help that the little Weather Bug on my desktop feels the need to keep reminding me that we are in a lake effect snow warning until noon tomorrow. As long as my plane can leave the area-it's all good. ;) My sister called me as I was getting ready for work this morning and asked me if my flight would be delayed. I stood there for a second and then said, 'I don't know! Why don't you ask me in another 12 hours?!?' Ahhh, gotta love my sister. :) Seriously though, I can't wait to see her new house!! (oh, yeah, and i can't wait to see her, too. LOL ;) ) She just recently acquired a Gamecube, so I'm bringing a couple of games up to play-I'm sure she'll love Simpson's Road Rage!!! :) :)

I doubt I'll be able to update my blog over my vacation-I might try to, but don't be surprised if I can't. I decided to bring my scarf with me, too. Originally I was against the idea, because now it is slightly taller than me, so that's a lot of scarf and extra yarn to be packing...but my mom told me she would really like to see it, so I relented and found room for it in my luggage.

In other news, I received my very first Gummie Card yesterday! What the heck, you say? Well, every year, the editors of Non-Sport Update hold what they call the Gummie Awards. It's a chance for nonsports card collectors to vote for their favorite set, card, display, etc. for the year. Usually the first 1000 voters (depending on how many cards they have) receive a Gummie card-a sort of 'Thank you for voting!' card. :) Last year I missed the deadline, and I thought I had missed out this year too-but I was in luck! Yay! They got my votes on time! ;)

Well, gotta run-have a few things I need to do during lunch today. Happy Holidays, everyone!!!
