"I don't want to grow up, i'm a toys ' r' us kid..." ;)

D.W.Q.M.: "What's wrong with being childish? I like being childish." -the Third Doctor

Only 2 copies of the Monster of Peladon in the entire Cleveland/cuyahoga public library systems, and they are both mine, mine, mine!!! Muahahahahahaaa... Ahem. I'm ok, really I am. Not long after I made my rant post, the first copy of Monster was returned to the library and sent my way (yay!). I picked it up on Thursday, but forgot to cancel my second hold-so when I went to return some dvds on Saturday, I passed by the hold shelves and noticed i had another item on the shelf. So I went and checked it out and noticed that some bozo forgot to rewind the tapes. Well, if i'm not going to be nice and take them both, I will at least be nice and rewind the tapes (so I don't get charged for them anyway. *heehee*) I told Jerm that when we watch them, we should watch tape 1 from one set, and tape 2 from the other. LOL. I thought about keeping them both the full 3 weeks, but that will just be way too mean and vindictive-so I will return one later this week. I just couldn't help myself though-besides, everyone has had a good laugh over the situation. ;) Also, copies of this video showed up on both half.com and eBay again-unfortunately the person selling the vid on half.com knows it's very hard to come by, so he or she is selling it for higher than the list price-those meanies! :p

So last week I had to do one of the awful things that grownups have to do-figure out their budget. Yuck! I really hate this part of being an adult-and my friend Sharon agrees with me 100%!! By the time you finish figuring out all of the 'should pay' and 'need to pay' items, you only have about $10 left for yourself. We both remember being teenagers and we couldn't wait to be adults so we could do whatever we wanted and buy whatever we wanted. Disillusioned...that's what we were, disillusioned. And ignorant too-I do believe that I was warned as a teenager, but of course, didn't listen-like most teenagers do! ;) When I was trying to categorize everything, I ran into a snag-cable. What does that fall under? Utilities? Entertainment? Micellaneous? I asked Sharon, and she usually puts it under entertainment-but really thinks it should be in utilites, because, of course, you can't live without cable! I think I agree!!

Ah, my lunch break is up, so i have to go back to being a grownup, and go back to trying very hard to ignore the large pile of pizzelle cookies that our supervisor left on the physical processing table for us. He even sent an email that said 'Hello Happy Workers!' and 'please eat!' Ah, who woulda ever thought that you could gain weight by working in a library. LOL. :)
