The Feast

D.W.Q.M.: "Now you've squashed my favorite Beatles." - the First Doctor

Okay! As promised, here is a breakdown of the Feast of the Assumption:

Evening concerts: at 6 we start playing in the street-usually in front of the school or the church, and work our way up through the crowd. This goes until about 6:30, sometimes earlier than that- and then we canvas the neighborhood-visit families giving parties, and also we visit the sick and shut-ins. (Father Rocco usually give us a list of parishoners who are unable to attend the Feast, and we go and visit them and play for them-they are always very appreciative of our visit!) That usually goes on until about 7:30 or so. We take a break, and the sit-down concerts start anywhere between 8-8:30pm. Usually in front of the church or school-you can't miss us, we sit in a circle right in the middle of the street! ;)

Thursday, August 14th- Evening Concert

Friday, August 15th- 11am Procession (well, give or take-these things rarely start on time!!) ;) througout the neighborhood-last time estimate was about 2.5 hours-yikes! ;) ;Evening Concert

Saturday, August 16th: Evening Concert

Sunday, August 17th: last day of the Festival-usually harder to find us at any one given time-we start playing in the streets around 6pm, sometimes we canvas the neighborhood, sometimes we don't-until about 8, i think. No sit down concert. Around 9:30pm or so(may be earlier) we start to line up for Mary's funeral procession-it's a very short procession, just up and down Little Italy, Ave Maria is sung, and then Father Rocco says some prayers...I also believe there are some readings, but I'm not sure... then fireworks, and we play the Italian and American national Anthems.

there's the quick breakdown!! If anything changes, I'll try to post them. Oh, and in case of rain-we usually try to stick it out-we'll wait in the school or something, unless there's no sign of it letting up-we usually wait until we get the word from Father Rocco.

I've been pretty busy lately, and I haven't had the time to work on my scarf much. :( Hopefully after this week I'll have more time! I'm also working on changing my blog template-I've uploaded some images, now all I have to do is find the time to work on the template code! :)
