A blast from the past...

Ok, first a blogger update-i tried adding a comments section to my blog, but it didn't work. I'll try that again later.

Alrighty, now for the blast from the past! I had signed up for Classmates.com a long time ago-before you could add all the schools you ever attended. I don't remember when I added my elementary and junior high schools, but they've been there for a while. Anyho, so this weekend, I get a call from MN-at first i thought it was my sister, using someone else's phone, but when i listened to the message, it turned out to be a friend that I haven't seen since elementary school! She had seen my name on the list, and then looked me up in the phone book-of course, the only person with my last name in the Minneapolis phone book is my sister, so she called and asked alison if i was her sister. ;) Alison told her i was now living in Cleveland, and gave her my phone number. We finally had a chance to talk tonight-but 2 hours isn't nearly enough time to catch up on 10+ years! (yikes, that last comment just made me feel old) It's amazing the amount of things you can remember from way back then-we remembered some of our old classmates, and we remembered attending each of our first major birthday parties! (our birthdays are only a couple of weeks apart) She gave me my first Barbie doll, and was quite amused when I told her I still have that doll. (it's the only one of my Barbie dolls that didn't find their way into my niece's HUGE Barbie doll box. ;) ) Speaking of which, she has a little girl who is only about a month older than my niece! We had fun talking on the phone, and we're going to try to get together the next time I visit. :) I can't wait! :)

*yawn* well, it's getting late, and I'm actually pretty sleepy! Till next time....
