August Blog Challenge #2

D.W.Q.M.: "How about a trip in the TARDIS? I'm just off." -the Fourth Doctor

Hmm...well, it looks like this is going to be a weekly entry, rather than a daily-or maybe every other day... :)

Happiness is...
Road trips!

Perseph, Jerm and I went to Orville to visit Smuckers, and explore the area. Smuckers was fun-I love the big Doughboy they have in the middle of the store. Krismutt came too-and I hope I have time to update his page soon(I haven't updated it in ages!). The ladies and Smuckers loved him-I was taking a picture of him writing on a chalkboard table, when they came up and said, 'Oh, how cute! I wish my dog behaved that well.' LOL. We also got some cute shots of him hanging around town. :)

Of course, when you're in Amish country, you have to stop for some cheese-I bought some yummy smoked Gouda, and some Norwegian Jalsberg-YUM! :-D We also stopped in a store called World Crafts-they had some really cool stuff. All of the items in the store were made from members of different villages around the world, and the proceeds from the store went to help out the communities they came from. Perseph found some really cute angels from the Phillipines, I fell in love with a small elephant from Bangladesh and a small jewlery box from India, and Jerm found a musical instrument that he tried out in the store, and liked it so much he bought it. (although I don't remember where it was from). We also visited a hardware store that seemed to have just about everything. My mom loves cookie cutters, and I found some really cute ones for her.

It was a fun day-it's good to take a day off every once in a while-I came home tired, but happy. :)
