Celebrating 50 years!

Thursday I was sitting at work, when my coworker Nora, herself a Whovian, came up to me and asked me if I knew about the Art Bites tour at the Cleveland Museum of Art (Art Bites are 30 minute gallery tours during the lunch hour) This week's topic? Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey! Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who by taking a tour of galleries of places that the Doctor and his companions visited. Well, duh!  Of course I was in!  Fellow Whovian Elanor joined us, too!  The woman giving the tour was obviously a big Whovian herself (well, of course she was-she came up with the idea for this Art Bite. ;) ). 

The stories represented were The Romans, The Wedding of River Song, A Good Man Goes to War, The Girl in the Fireplace (the museum has the most beautiful rug on display-hard to believe it's from Louis XV's dining room!), and Vincent and the Doctor. It was a really awesome tour that went by really fast (and reminded me that I really should take advantage of the fact that I work right next to one of the few art museums in the country that offer free admission!) At the end of the tour they had a drawing for two tickets to the 3D showing of The Day of the Doctor on Monday in Valley View-and Nora won them!  Congrats, Nora!

Art Bites: Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey

 Check out celeb Whovians wishing Doctor Who a Happy 50th!  Love that Edward James Olmos was one of the celebs! ;)

Happy 50th from Celeb Whovians

The Doctor Who Appreciation Society ran a favorites poll, and Tom Baker was voted favorite Doctor, and Elisabeth Sladen favorite companion. (Something I agree with wholeheartedly!) It's awesome to see that Sarah Jane Smith is still topping the favorite companion polls, and it's all due to the awesomeness that was Elisabeth Sladen.  Check out the other favorites:

Faves from DWAS 

A new prequel mini-sode was released!  Check out The Last Day: 

Less than 24 hours until The Day of the Doctor!!!!!!! :-D  
