the Leonids!! Comet Holmes!!

D.W.Q.M.: Duke Juliano: "There's this man in Florence- claims that by arranging ground glasses in a certain order, it's possible to see the moon and stars as large as your hand."
Marco: "Is that a good thing?" (from the 4th Doctor story, The Masque of Mandragora)

The Leonids peak this weekend!!! Sunday, November 18th, 1:00am, EST. Unfortunately, our weather up here looks to be a bit cloudy, and well-rainy/snowy. Hope the rest of you have clear skies!
Leonid meteor shower

Also, you can still check out the comet!!! I was at
Perseph's this past weekend, and it was clear enough so I could show everyone. :) I also went outside Monday night to observe the comet (my neighbors must think I'm really weird, standing outside in the cold with a pair of binoculars staring up at the sky...) I think it's getting more difficult to spot with the naked eye (although, if it's dark enough, you can still do least at the beginning of the week-been too cloudy the rest of the week to check.) I also noticed (through the binoculars) that the comet's diameter seems to be getting bigger. (I hear it's diameter is now bigger than the sun's...) More about the comet.

Holmes is starting to get close to Perseus's Mirfak, and on November 19th, it will look like the star is actually inside the comet's glow!! Cool!!!! I hope the sky will be clear enough for me to catch that!!!
Observation notes about the comet from around the world

Clear skies and happy viewing!!!
