A new year, some new wisdom...sorta. ;)

D.W.Q.M.: "Brigadier, I think our past is catching up with us. Or maybe it's our future." -the Second Doctor

Hmmm...it's a good thing I didn't make a resolution to post more in this blog-I would have already broken it! ;)

Today people having been making 'getting old' jokes at me...I wonder why? ;) *heehee* I was also asked if I could still tell people how old I was-I said for one more year. They guessed my age right away. ;)

As always, I must say, "Happy Anniversary of becoming a mom, Mom!" :-D (she always laughs when I tell her that.)

Today's post is dedicated to my Mom. :)

When we were Christmas shopping last month, she said she wanted to buy some socks for the grandchildren, because they always seem to be loosing them. You remember what it was like-they get lost in your room, eaten by the washer, dryer and the dog-when you're over at a friend's, they are sometimes left there. Even in the cold Minnesotan weather, our feet got into our boots ok, but somehow our socks never made it. Turns out the same thing is happening with the next generation...strange. ;)

As we went shopping for 4 different sizes of socks, I remembered what it was like when she gave us socks when we were kids. Remember the scene from A Christmas Story when Ralphie and Randy each open a gift with a pair of socks? They look at each other, make a face, then toss them over their shoulders. That's kinda what we did. I mean, we're kids-who wants socks for Christmas?

Boy, if I knew then, what I know now. Buying socks on your own can be expensive. I hope the little ones enjoy their socks-I was sort of wishing that my mom would also buy a pair of grownup sized socks for me. LOL ;) (For the record, socks weren't the only gifts my Mom gave the kiddies-she is a grandma after all!! :) )

Here's to my Mom, and her practical gifts! (psst...hey Mom-please send socks!) ;)
