September Night Sky

D.W.Q.M.: Duke Juliano: "There's this man in Florence claims that by arranging ground glasses in a certain order, it's possible to see the moon and stars as large as your hand."
Marco: "Is that a good thing?" (from the Fourth Doctor story, the Masque of Mandragora.)

Today's astronomy post is brought to you by
Sky and Telescope

Sunspots, solar flares and auroras
Ahhh, what an interesting couple of weeks the sun has had! Seven major X-class flares within the last few days. Region 808 will cross the center of the sun tomorrow, and, if it holds together, will reach the western limb around the 21st. I believe there is still a mid-latitude aurora watch in effect, so be on the look out for the Norhtern Lights, especially if 808 continues to produce solar flares and CMEs. Check out
this article for all the excitement, and the dangers, that a solar flare can produce. There's a really nice picture at the end of the article of an aurora display that was captured on the morning of September 11th in New Hampshire. :)

I popped outside while I was waiting for
Yahoo to load to see if I could see anything. No luck. *sigh* Stupid haze. ;)

The Moon and Planets
September 1st: Venus is 1 degree from Jupiter low in the western horizon one hour after sunset.
September 6th: Venus, Jupiter, and the thin crescent moon pose together in a triangle low after sunset. (I actually got to see this!!!!!) Just below Venus is the faint Spica.
September 7th: Crescent moon near Venus and Jupiter low in the west at dusk.

September 17th: Full Harvest Moon
September 21st: Moon near Mars after 10 pm

Awww...for now it looks like the discovery team for 2003 UB313 (
'the Tenth Planet' is calling it "Xena" (for the tv warrior princess.) Here I was hoping it would be called "Mondas". ;) :-D

Other events
September 12th: Cassiopeia is high in the northeastern sky-the signs of the coming fall...
September 22nd: The Autumnal Equinox occurs at 6:23pm, EDT.

This Day in Astronomy
September 1st, 1979: Pioneer 11 is the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn.
September 19th, 1959: Physicists Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison publish the first scientific article on searching for radio signals from extraterrestrial intelligent life.
September 23rd, 1846: Johann Galle discovers Neptune
September 28th, 1962 The first Canadian satellite, Alouette 1, is launched into orbit.

Clear skies and happy viewing!
