Stargate, where the stars of cancelled scifi shows start to gather...

D.W.Q.M.: "She lets her knowledge out a bit at a time, so as not to embarrass me." -Ian Chesterson says Jerm. But he's right, you know! ;) Just take a look at the evidence:

Ben Browder-John Crichton of Farscape, now Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell of Stargate: SG-1

Claudia Black-Aeryn Sun of Farscape, now Vala Mal Doran of Stargate: SG-1

Lexa Doig-Rommie of Andromeda, now Dr. Carolyn Lam of Stargate: SG-1

Mitch Pileggi-Walter Skinner of the X-Files, now Col. Steven Caldwell of Stargate: Atlantis

(ooh, and as a side note, Robert Patrick-Doggett of the X-Files was Col. Summner(sp?) in the Stargate: Atlantis pilot. Sure his character didn't last beyond the pilot, but that still counts.)

Hmmm...have I missed anybody?

Don't get me wrong-I am not complaining here. I have really enjoyed the new seasons of the Stargates. I just find it amusing. :) (and seeing Browder, Shanks, and Judge at once on the same screen is an added bonus. LOL :-D) ;)
