new commenting

So a couple of days after I find out that Blogger will no longer support FTP publishing, I find out that my current host for my comments, Haloscan, will be ending their service this Friday. Yay. :p

No matter, I decided rather than switch to another commenting system (before Haloscan, I was using Enetation) I decided to go ahead and use Blogger's commenting system. (Why didn't I start with Blogger? Well, when I first started my blog, Blogger didn't support comments)

Haloscan is allowing its members to switch to a new service-but it is a pay service, so I think I'll decline-after all, not many people comment on my blogs, so why pay for the option?

Ah, well-haven't switched my publishing yet-that will be an adventure over the next few weeks! ;)


Romana1 said…
Just testing the new comments. Yay! I was able to fix this myself! *whew!*