That's life!

No Doctor Who quote tonight-I couldn't think of anything clever enough for this post. ;)

Ever go through a period of writers block? That's what's happenening to me right now! So much has been going on, but whenever I sit down to write, I just don't know where to begin. The other day I was looking at some of my older blogs-I couldn't believe how much I used to write here! (and look how much it's dwindled!) Maybe if I wasn't so tired... ;)

This past weekend I was in Cincinatti and Dayton with the IceHawks (babysitting!) I had alot of fun. The tournament next month is in Cincinatti, and if we stay in the same place, I'm going to have to remember my swimsuit-they have an indoor/outdoor heated pool!! I also hope I have the same roomies-then I'll have to remember to bring Phase 10!

So where were you during the big storm two weeks ago? I was stuck at home-everything I had planned on Saturday was cancelled (with good reason, too). I stepped off the front steps and I sank to my knees in the snow-we had about 20 inches in our front yard. Junior (my landlord's son), must've been out there 3 times with the snow blower-he said he ended up helping at least 3 others get out of their driveways. I saw two plows get stuck-watching them try to free each other was kinda scary.

So what did I do on that snowy Saturday? Well, I was telling my friend Valerie that all I wanted to do was sit, relax, and watch the snow fall. Did I do that? No! I cleaned. All day. I ended up doing 4 loads of laundry, a weeks worth of dishes, I swept and vacummed my floors (I have hardwood with area rugs), AND I cleaned the bathroom! I was exhausted, and I didn't even shovel any snow. (did Sunday, though)

Hmm...what else is new? I started a 1000 piece puzzle the other day-it's quite frustrating! Once it's finished, though, I'm planning on getting some puzzle glue, glue it all together, and frame it for my livingroom. That's the plan, anyway!
