Epiphany and other thoughts

D.W.Q.M.: "One for casual, one for best." -Romana2

Today, January 6th, marks Epiphany, the climax of the Christmas season, and the Twelve Days of Christmas (although, if you do your counting right, you'll know that the 12th day of Christmas is actually December 5th, also called the Twelfth Night.) Epiphany, or Three Kings Day as it is known in some cultures, is the celebration of the adoration of the Magi. One of my coworker's sister's family celebrates Three Kings day. Some traditions include taking down the Christmas tree (which I used to do-until I decided that I wanted to keep it up until my birthday. ;) ), and giving small gifts. My mother used to give us small gifts-one for each of the twelve days of christmas-usually they were candy or small ornaments. To all my friends who celebrate it, "Happy Three Kings Day!" :)

Well, I was planning on posting my New Years resolutions just after the new year, but I've broken most of them already, so what's the point? ;) (for example-I had resolved to post here more often-maybe i can still salvage that one. LOL) I was planning on posting during our 4 day weekend...but I discovered that it was so easy just to lay on the couch, knit, and watch my ATHFV2 dvd (thank you,
P^2!!!), and sleep, that I just plum forgot to do it. ;) I was also hoping to start posting my monthly night sky posts closer to the beginning of the month, but alas, I've just been too lazy. *sigh*

Congrats to Steph and Dan, and their new baby boy!!! Matt arrived December 31st, making Billy a big brother! :)

I love January snow-I really enjoyed walking home in the snow last night-it wasn't too deep, and the sidewalks weren't slippery, and the snow looked beautiful falling on the trees in the soft glow of Cleveland's light pollution.

What I hate is January rain-cold, awful rain-that makes the snow disappear and the streets and sidewalks slippery. Blah. Especially when it happens right after fresh snow has fallen! Stupid weather!!!!

Okay, I was going to save this for my Night Sky post, but with my laziness, I might not get to it until after the fact-Comet ALert!
Comet Machholz will be 2 degrees west of the Pleiades (Persephone's favorite constellation) the evening of January 7th (around 8pm, EST. Should be visible for as long as the Pleiades are visible.) The best part is, given the sky is dark enough, you should be able to see it with the naked eye, or a decent pair of binoculars. :) It will be at it's closest approach to Earth, and at it's brightest magnintude: 3.6 or 3.8. :) Here's hoping the weather will cooperate!
