back from Minnesota
D.W.Q.M.: "First things first, but not necessarily in that order." -the Fourth Doctor. I'm back from the land of cold and snow...although towards the end of my trip, it became warm with no snow-almost. ;) Despite a few things, I had a great time. The kiddies are soooo cute! I meant to try to log on while I was away, but I just didn't have the time. Here are a few notes I made in my journal-hopefully I'll get around to talking about my trip more, but you know me. ;) I do plan to post pics, though...eventually. LOL Trip Notes: 1. Getting sick at the beginning of your trip really sucks big time. The jury is still out on whether I brought it to them, or they gave it to me (they are leaning towards giving it to me), but at one point, my mom said my sister's place sounded like the TB ward at the hospital. Stupid colds! 2. I have witnessed a scene with the family dog and a stuffed gorilla that has scarred me for life and basically turned me off of ever wanting to be...