happiness is making others happy :)

D.W.Q.M.: "Our lives are different from anybody else's. That's the exciting thing. Nobody in the universe can do what we're doing!" -the Second Doctor

Awnings are up, tables are up, trucks are blocking the road, signs, and lights are being draped across buildings, and Mama Santas is closed for the week...

Must be time for the Feast!!

I love the Feast of the Assumption-I'm sure I've said this before, but the Feast is my favorite Italian Band gig. :) And it starts tomorrow!!

We'll be there Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday-starting at 6 (the neighborhood walk), with a sit down concert around 8:30 or so (weather permitting, of course)

For the neighborhood walk, Father Racco gives us a list of Parish members who can't make it down to the Feast. When we go play for them, they are happy for the visit, often moved to tears. I can't really find the words to describe how I feel when we visit each home-the simplest way is to say that I feel happy when I see that our band has brought a little happiness into others' lives. :)

During the Feast we are often approached by older Itlalian Americans who are glad that someone is keeping the traditional music alive (so New York, New York isn't exactly traditional Itlalian music, but they still love to hear it!) I love it when we play the Tarentella and people in the crowd try to dance to it. Little do they know that Pete on the snare always tries to play as fast as he can during the last verse! It's hard to keep up! ;)

I've been doing this for 8 years now. Wow, I can't believe it! I love it when my friends can come down and see me play (since the Feast is near where I work and live, it's the best chance I get to see people I know!) A couple of years ago my boss and a few of my coworkers came to watch the procession. That same evening, Jerm, the Doctor,
Perseph, Foofy, Andy, and Michelle all came down to see me. That was awesome! I'm hoping they'll come down to see me this year, too. :)
