Marcon 40, part 2
D.W.Q.M.: "Your silliness is noted. Drive systems regenerating..." -K-9
Oh, before I get to the pics, I have a new item to add to my list of things you'll find at an Italian band procession: Car alarms set off by the fireworks. *bam!*
Also, thanks to my completely incompetent sunscreen lathering abilities, I am no longer 'alabaster white', but instead, a nice 'lobster red'. *OW!*
Okay, on with the show...
Here are a few pics from some of the displays at Marcon this year:

These pictures are of the Chaos Machine, presented by Steve Jackson (the Gaming GOH), and was located just outside the dealers room. This machine was really cool-you just drop a ball in it, and you have no idea where it would end up. Jackson also had a preview of a new Munchkin game, but I missed it. :(
This next picture is a picture of the NASA display:

Complete with a moon rock! (it's on the right of the picture-and it got a little cut off-sorry about that!) I'm hoping the pictures of the moon rock that I took with my film camera turn out better. The ones I took with my digital just show this glowing blob. ;)

It's Legoland at Marcon! This was just inside of the Dealer's room. I believe they were working on it throughout the entire con-adding bits and pieces here and there. Lots of mechanical whirlys and doo-hickies [sic], it was just as mesmorizing as the Chaos Machine outside. ;)
I also took several pictures of the 1974 replica of the Batmobile, but I forgot to upload them. D'oh!
One thing that was missing this year was the Klingon Jail-n-Bail. I was quite disappointed-no Klingons (with the help of Storm Troopers) arresting unsuspecting con goers and throwing them in jail to be laughed at. (btw, Jail-n-Bail is a charity-you pay $5 and give the Klingons the name of a friend at the con, then they track your friend down and throw them in jail for 5 minutes.) There's a whole list of trumped-up charges you can throw on your friend. It's lots of fun-especially when you see non-Trek types (like the Minbari Grey Council) in the jail. ;) Hopefully they will be back next year, because the theme for next year's Marcon is Roddenberry Universe. :)
Oh, before I get to the pics, I have a new item to add to my list of things you'll find at an Italian band procession: Car alarms set off by the fireworks. *bam!*
Also, thanks to my completely incompetent sunscreen lathering abilities, I am no longer 'alabaster white', but instead, a nice 'lobster red'. *OW!*
Okay, on with the show...
Here are a few pics from some of the displays at Marcon this year:

These pictures are of the Chaos Machine, presented by Steve Jackson (the Gaming GOH), and was located just outside the dealers room. This machine was really cool-you just drop a ball in it, and you have no idea where it would end up. Jackson also had a preview of a new Munchkin game, but I missed it. :(
This next picture is a picture of the NASA display:

Complete with a moon rock! (it's on the right of the picture-and it got a little cut off-sorry about that!) I'm hoping the pictures of the moon rock that I took with my film camera turn out better. The ones I took with my digital just show this glowing blob. ;)

It's Legoland at Marcon! This was just inside of the Dealer's room. I believe they were working on it throughout the entire con-adding bits and pieces here and there. Lots of mechanical whirlys and doo-hickies [sic], it was just as mesmorizing as the Chaos Machine outside. ;)
I also took several pictures of the 1974 replica of the Batmobile, but I forgot to upload them. D'oh!
One thing that was missing this year was the Klingon Jail-n-Bail. I was quite disappointed-no Klingons (with the help of Storm Troopers) arresting unsuspecting con goers and throwing them in jail to be laughed at. (btw, Jail-n-Bail is a charity-you pay $5 and give the Klingons the name of a friend at the con, then they track your friend down and throw them in jail for 5 minutes.) There's a whole list of trumped-up charges you can throw on your friend. It's lots of fun-especially when you see non-Trek types (like the Minbari Grey Council) in the jail. ;) Hopefully they will be back next year, because the theme for next year's Marcon is Roddenberry Universe. :)