August Blog Challenge

D.W.Q.M.: "When everything is new, can anything be a surprise?" -Cho-je, (from the Third Doctor story, Planet of the Spiders)

I think I figured out what is wrong with my fonts. In Blogger, you have 'Edit HTML' mode and 'Compose' mode. Compose mode allows you to choose your font (if I'm not mistaken, a fairly recent addition) I think that's confusing the CSS file (which controls my fonts), or something. So, for now, after I'm done typing in HTML mode, I'll switch over to Compose mode and change the font to veranda. Haven't decided on the size I like best, though-so the size might change from time to time.


Big Orange Michael has posted a Blog challenge for August which I am going to participate in. Every day (or nearly every day) you post about something that made you happy that day. It sounds like alot of fun! :) :)

If it had started today, I know exactly what I'd post about-I won tickets to a Neil Diamond concert! Yay! I am so excited!!!
