D.W.Q.M.: "Well I have something of vital importance to tell you, that you sir are a NIWIT!" -the Third Doctor
Ok, well, it's not August yet, so I'm going to post something that made me mad!
I have said it before, and I'll say it again: CLEVELAND'S PBS STATION SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's bad enough that they don't air the cool programs like the British comedies (like Are You Being Served?) and Red Dwarf and Doctor Who (when the BBC was still giving PBS the rights to show them) but now they aren't even showing what they have scheduled to air!!!!
I knew it was too good to be true-I went to WVIZ's website to see when the program Soundstage aired. More specifically, when the Wallflowers were going to be on it. I was quite surprised when I saw an actual listing for our PBS station. I was so glad that I hadn't missed it. It's supposed to be on right now. I was a bit concerned when my Guide Plus told me that a different episode of Soundstage was supposed to be on, so I decided to tune in at midnight to see which one it was.
So, what did I see? And what is on now? A wine auction.
A FRAKKIN' WINE AUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not care about Ohio wines. I'm not much of a wine person. (except for yummy cranberry wine from Iowa ;) ) But that's not the point. The point is, this auction was supposed to have ended a half hour ago!!!! Soundstage should be on now-I should be watching the Wallflowers right now!
You know what's worse? I can't even check to see if Akron's PBS station is airing the program because my cable company sucks just as much as WVIZ, and doesn't carry Akron's PBS station. How dumb is that? (btw, Akron's station shows the cool British comedies). Also, I'm too far north and my antenna is rather weak, so I can't get it through regular broadcast.
*sigh* They are on table 'W' right now (I'm only watching to see if they'll even air the program) I think I'm going to tune out for a while and check at 1 to see if it's all just running really, really late.
LOL. Reading this over, I sound quite childish. Well, I'm upset, so I'll end with the appropriate Doctor Who quote:
"What's wrong with being childish? I like being childish." -the Third Doctor.
/end rant. I feel better now. ;)
Ok, well, it's not August yet, so I'm going to post something that made me mad!
I have said it before, and I'll say it again: CLEVELAND'S PBS STATION SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's bad enough that they don't air the cool programs like the British comedies (like Are You Being Served?) and Red Dwarf and Doctor Who (when the BBC was still giving PBS the rights to show them) but now they aren't even showing what they have scheduled to air!!!!
I knew it was too good to be true-I went to WVIZ's website to see when the program Soundstage aired. More specifically, when the Wallflowers were going to be on it. I was quite surprised when I saw an actual listing for our PBS station. I was so glad that I hadn't missed it. It's supposed to be on right now. I was a bit concerned when my Guide Plus told me that a different episode of Soundstage was supposed to be on, so I decided to tune in at midnight to see which one it was.
So, what did I see? And what is on now? A wine auction.
A FRAKKIN' WINE AUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not care about Ohio wines. I'm not much of a wine person. (except for yummy cranberry wine from Iowa ;) ) But that's not the point. The point is, this auction was supposed to have ended a half hour ago!!!! Soundstage should be on now-I should be watching the Wallflowers right now!
You know what's worse? I can't even check to see if Akron's PBS station is airing the program because my cable company sucks just as much as WVIZ, and doesn't carry Akron's PBS station. How dumb is that? (btw, Akron's station shows the cool British comedies). Also, I'm too far north and my antenna is rather weak, so I can't get it through regular broadcast.
*sigh* They are on table 'W' right now (I'm only watching to see if they'll even air the program) I think I'm going to tune out for a while and check at 1 to see if it's all just running really, really late.
LOL. Reading this over, I sound quite childish. Well, I'm upset, so I'll end with the appropriate Doctor Who quote:
"What's wrong with being childish? I like being childish." -the Third Doctor.
/end rant. I feel better now. ;)