July Night Sky
D.W.Q.M: Duke Juliano: "There's this man in Florence- claims that by arranging ground glasses in a certain order, it's possible to see the moon and stars as large as your hand."
Marco:"Is that a good thing?" (from the Fourth Doctor story, The Masque of Mandragora)
Sorry this is so late and a bit brief!
Today's astronomy post is brought to you by Sky and Telescope
Around midnight on July 4th I was standing outside my sister's house, looking out at the dark sky wishing I had a telescope! Deep Impact collided with Comet Tempel 1- click here for an article about the impact! :)
July 5th: Earth is at it's 2005 aphelion (farthest point away from the sun)
July 17th: Mars is at it's perihelion (closest to the sun in orbit)
July 20th: The two brightest starts in the sky will be out at equal, great heights. Vega high toward the east and Arcturus high toward the southwest.
July 21st: Full moon at 7:00am EDT. This is the closest and largest full moon of 2005. Cool!
July 23rd: Saturn is in conjunction with the Sun (almost directly behind it) Also, look south right after dark for bright orange-red Antares, the heart of the constellation Scorpius.
This Day in Astronomy
July 20th, 1969: The first Moon landing!! :) :)
Clear skies and happy viewing!!
(p.s. Happy birthday, Jer!) :)
Marco:"Is that a good thing?" (from the Fourth Doctor story, The Masque of Mandragora)
Sorry this is so late and a bit brief!
Today's astronomy post is brought to you by Sky and Telescope
Around midnight on July 4th I was standing outside my sister's house, looking out at the dark sky wishing I had a telescope! Deep Impact collided with Comet Tempel 1- click here for an article about the impact! :)
July 5th: Earth is at it's 2005 aphelion (farthest point away from the sun)
July 17th: Mars is at it's perihelion (closest to the sun in orbit)
July 20th: The two brightest starts in the sky will be out at equal, great heights. Vega high toward the east and Arcturus high toward the southwest.
July 21st: Full moon at 7:00am EDT. This is the closest and largest full moon of 2005. Cool!
July 23rd: Saturn is in conjunction with the Sun (almost directly behind it) Also, look south right after dark for bright orange-red Antares, the heart of the constellation Scorpius.
This Day in Astronomy
July 20th, 1969: The first Moon landing!! :) :)
Clear skies and happy viewing!!
(p.s. Happy birthday, Jer!) :)