Cybermen? Cybermen!!

D.W.Q.M.: the Second Doctor: "The power cable generated an electrical field and confused their tiny metal minds. You might almost say they had a complete metal breakdown."
Jamie: "Oooh."
Second Doctor: "I'm so sorry."

*hee* I've started a countdown to the Christmas Invasion! :-D

Yesterday the BBC released pictures of the new
Cyberman design, along with an article about the return of one of the Doctor's deadliest foes.

My coworker, and fellow Doctor Who fan, Carolyn and I were comparing the new Cybermen with the old Cybermen-discussing the coolness and flaws of each particular design. Ahh, it's good to be geeky at work.

When first encountered in the Tenth Planet, the looked kinda creepy (despite their sock-like masked faces), slowly walking through the snow. Creepy...up until they spoke. (Hey, someone should have decided how often and when they move their mouths before they started filming) The end result was a bit comical.

Still, with time, they became (from my childhood point of view) very scary. I used to have nightmares that these guys, along with the Daleks, would invade my neighborhood. *shudder* These new Cybermen, however...I dunno-there's something in the face that doesn't look quite right-maybe a bit too angular...or perhaps the head is just too small. Oh, well-I guess I'll have to wait until I see them in action before I make my final judgement.

You know what would be a really cool Christmas present? An American broadcaster for the new series!
(or am I gonna have to dig out my really big antenna and point it across the lake?) :p
Sometimes it's really hard being an American fan of a British show.
