Thoughts on the past...

It's hard to believe it's been 5 years.

I try to keep this blog light-can't say I'm always 100% successful. Especially today as I write this, because there's nothing "light" about what happened. I was even debating about posting, because I'm not sure I have the strength, or the words, to acturately express how I feel.

As I watched the memorial ceremonies, and personal accounts of what happened, my eyes welled up with tears, and my chest tightened, just like it had done 5 years ago as I watched the coverage all night for several nights because I couldn't sleep. I had to stop watching after about an hour (actually, I'm amazed I was able to last that long.)

Then, those first few days five years ago, I saw something amazing-for once, there were no Democrats, no Republicans, no blacks, no whites, reds, yellows, no Jews, Muslims, Christians... It didn't matter if you were from this country or not-we were all one-pulling together to help and comfort our families, friends, and complete strangers-trying to make sense of a senseless tragedy.

I look at our world today and wonder, what happened? Our country seems more divided than ever. I look at other countries on the news and wonder, 'do they really despise us as much as I think they do?' I hear something from the right that makes me lean just a little bit more to the left...I hear something from the left that makes me lean a little bit more to the right. Then I hear something from both sides that makes me just want to sit them down and scream, 'STOP ACTING LIKE SQUABBLING CHILDREN!!!' It's almost impossible to be considered a moderate these days-no one believes you-they think if you're not on their side, your on the other. Democrats blame Republicans for allowing the attack to occur on their watch. Republicans blame Democrats for allowing this to be plotted on their watch. We need to quit trying to play the blame game and continue to work together SO THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

My heart and prayers go out to all of the friends and families, and the victims of 9-11. You will not be forgotten.
