This week in Who

D.W.Q.M. Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?"
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"

(author's note: this post can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern.)

I've decided to change the title of these posts, because I'm not sure how much actual news I'll be able to write about from week to week-hope you all don't mind. :)

Series 2 (season 28) in the USA:
Fridays, 8pm EDT on the SciFi Channel <-note the new time!!!

Current episodes:
The Christmas Invasion (8:00pm EDT)
New Earth (9:30pm EDT)

Check out the episode pages for the new season-they have slideshows with images from the episodes. Pretty cool. :)

Doctor Who on BBC7:
Check out
BBC7's Listen Again page to hear the 8th Doctor audios from Big Finish. Current epsiodes are available for one week after it originally airs.

Sunday, September 24th: Swords of Orion, part 1
Sunday, October 1st: Swords of Orion, part 2

from the SciFi Wire

SciFi Wire has an article about the
Sarah Jane Adventures (which impressed me). There are quite a few details about it, like why K-9 won't be a feature in the regular series. However, I do question a couple of things in the article-it mentions that Yasmin Page will be playing Sarah's 13 year-old neice, Maria-I thought she was Sarah's next door neighbor. Also, the have the day that School Reunion airs wrong-it's October 13th (Friday), not the 11th (Wednesday). (well, that complaint is just me being picky. ;))

There is also an article with David Tennant
discussing his role in Doctor Who. I think it's cool that while filming the Christmas Invasion he got notes from both Tom Baker and Peter Davidson (the Doctors he grew up watching) wishing him well.

I'm sure many of you have heard by now the controversy over the Guinness Book of World Records
longest running science fiction series. While Doctor Who gets the record for the longest running science fiction series (over 600 episodes with 22 seasons between 1963-1984) Stargate SG:1 gets the record for longest running science fiction series (consecutive) (10 seasons, 203 episodes). According to the article linked above, the people at Guinness explained that SG:1 has had the most consecutive back-to-back episodes without a break since 1997.

I'm sure we all have our own opinions about this matter. See if you can guess mine from this: My question to Guinness is this-how long must a break be before the episodes are no longer considered consecutive and back-to-back? I mean, I really enjoy SG:1 and all, but they have breaks too. Sure there were long breaks between seasons 22, 23, and 24-but I've already taken that into account. Is the gap between the earlier seasons really that big? Oh, well-it's still the longest in terms of years-and Stargate has quite a few more to go before it catches up! LOL. ;)

Happy Who Watching!!!
