Bats, Pots, Tots, & Pucks
D.W.Q.M.: Brigadier: "Do you know what you're doing?"
the Third Doctor: "My dear chap, I can't wait to find out."
Okay, so I didn't do very well with the August blog challenge this year-the last half of the month was kind of crazy, so I didn't post much-I'll do better next year!
So I shouldn't have looked at the baseball scores yesterday-I had no idea that the Twins were only 4 games behind the Tigers-what happened to that 9 game lead Detroit had? Woo! Unfortunately the Twins lost to them last night (in the Metrodome!), so they are now 5 games behind. :( They are still ahead in the Wild Card one half game (thanks to the Indians for beating the White Sox) Seriously, you can't discount the Tigers, the Twins, or the White Sox yet-it's going to be a loonnnngggg road to October. The Wild Card race is giving me some serious heart burn-one day they are half a game ahead of the White Sox, the next, they are half a game behind! Ahhhh!!!!! GO TWINS!
Speaking of Minnesota-my sister called me Wednesday night and screamed, "MELLON WENT PEE-PEE IN THE POTTY!" Oooh! My big girl! I'm so proud of you!! ;) It's funny, because Perseph and I had been talking about kiddies in potty training at lunch-and wondering how many of the little ones in the great baby wave (starting with Sarah's son in April of '04 and ending with Steph's son in December '04-hey Jerm, did we ever get a final count of how many people I knew were having babies at that time?) were in potty training. Speaking of potty-training-congrats are in order for Dale! Twinmomma, you must be so proud!!
Speaking of tots-I have a new babysitting charge! One of Tina's teammates (Amy) needed a sitter for her baby boy during practices. He is such a cutie!!!!! He was all smiles when we met. Even though we had a rough patch in the middle (he started to cry because he was hungry), I think we got along great-it's a new challenge for me, since it's been awhile since I've cared for a baby under the age of 1-but we survived, and I'm looking forward to watching him again! Also, it turns out I may have another 2-year old to watch during the hockey games. Two 2-year olds? Yikes! They'll be "terrible!" LOL-just kidding-I'm up for the challenge. Jesse was there when I met Amy, and I said that I should get a tshirt that says 'Hockey Babysitter', or 'Official Hockey Babysitter' (thinking of Perseph's Mom, since she does wonders with a plain tshirt and a box of Sharpies). Amy laughed and said I should get a jersey with that on it. Then Jesse mentioned that they had plenty of old jerseys at home, and Tina would know who to contact to get lettering on them. LOL. AWESOME. If I do it, I'll post pictures.
Speaking of Hockey babies, my friend Laurie gave me a new toy-called it a 'bribe to watch the hockey-baby' (like I need one! ;) ) You know what it is? A Sonic Screwdriver!!!! Laurie totally rocks!!!! It has a pen, a UV ink nub for the pen, and it lights up! You can right secret messages to your friends and they can read them with the sonic screwdriver. It's so cool-I've already had entirely too much fun with it. :-D
This weekend I'm heading down to Cincinatti-must remember to empty the memory card in my camera! PAR-TY!
the Third Doctor: "My dear chap, I can't wait to find out."
Okay, so I didn't do very well with the August blog challenge this year-the last half of the month was kind of crazy, so I didn't post much-I'll do better next year!
So I shouldn't have looked at the baseball scores yesterday-I had no idea that the Twins were only 4 games behind the Tigers-what happened to that 9 game lead Detroit had? Woo! Unfortunately the Twins lost to them last night (in the Metrodome!), so they are now 5 games behind. :( They are still ahead in the Wild Card one half game (thanks to the Indians for beating the White Sox) Seriously, you can't discount the Tigers, the Twins, or the White Sox yet-it's going to be a loonnnngggg road to October. The Wild Card race is giving me some serious heart burn-one day they are half a game ahead of the White Sox, the next, they are half a game behind! Ahhhh!!!!! GO TWINS!
Speaking of Minnesota-my sister called me Wednesday night and screamed, "MELLON WENT PEE-PEE IN THE POTTY!" Oooh! My big girl! I'm so proud of you!! ;) It's funny, because Perseph and I had been talking about kiddies in potty training at lunch-and wondering how many of the little ones in the great baby wave (starting with Sarah's son in April of '04 and ending with Steph's son in December '04-hey Jerm, did we ever get a final count of how many people I knew were having babies at that time?) were in potty training. Speaking of potty-training-congrats are in order for Dale! Twinmomma, you must be so proud!!
Speaking of tots-I have a new babysitting charge! One of Tina's teammates (Amy) needed a sitter for her baby boy during practices. He is such a cutie!!!!! He was all smiles when we met. Even though we had a rough patch in the middle (he started to cry because he was hungry), I think we got along great-it's a new challenge for me, since it's been awhile since I've cared for a baby under the age of 1-but we survived, and I'm looking forward to watching him again! Also, it turns out I may have another 2-year old to watch during the hockey games. Two 2-year olds? Yikes! They'll be "terrible!" LOL-just kidding-I'm up for the challenge. Jesse was there when I met Amy, and I said that I should get a tshirt that says 'Hockey Babysitter', or 'Official Hockey Babysitter' (thinking of Perseph's Mom, since she does wonders with a plain tshirt and a box of Sharpies). Amy laughed and said I should get a jersey with that on it. Then Jesse mentioned that they had plenty of old jerseys at home, and Tina would know who to contact to get lettering on them. LOL. AWESOME. If I do it, I'll post pictures.
Speaking of Hockey babies, my friend Laurie gave me a new toy-called it a 'bribe to watch the hockey-baby' (like I need one! ;) ) You know what it is? A Sonic Screwdriver!!!! Laurie totally rocks!!!! It has a pen, a UV ink nub for the pen, and it lights up! You can right secret messages to your friends and they can read them with the sonic screwdriver. It's so cool-I've already had entirely too much fun with it. :-D
This weekend I'm heading down to Cincinatti-must remember to empty the memory card in my camera! PAR-TY!