baseball, kiddies, and Who
D.W.Q.M.: "One must always accept the unexpected." -the Fourth Doctor
Oooh, I knew I should have posted about the Twins yesterday before they played. Once again, the Royals prevented us from tieing (or overtaking) the Tigers for first place in the division. Grrr... That's ok-miracles can still happen. After all, many thought the Twins were finished before the All-Star break. For those who doubted, I have this to say to you: HA! Last time the Twins were in town, I went to the one game that the Indians won in that series. Several Tribe fans started to make fun of me (and the handfull of other Twins fans in our section) and I stood up and bravely (or foolishly, depending on your point of view) shouted, "That's okay, 'cause come October, we'll still be playing." *heehee* It was a fun game though-pretty intense. I liked the fact that the other Twins fans around me were quite vocal-my cheering didn't echo quite so much. ;) When Joe Mauer first stepped up to the plate, me and another girl behind us, both screamed VERY loudly, causing several startled turned heads. ;) I'm pretty sure I confused the little boy who was sitting next to me-cheering when others were booing, and booing when others were cheering. Eventually he said hi, and after discovering that I don't bite, started chatting about all kinds of things-the kinds of things that are important to children his age, like Santa Claus coming in 3 months. :) LOL-he was a sweet kid.
The Twins are not going to let Santana pitch again until the playoffs. Hmmm...lets see-given the choice between possibly winning the division or possibly winning 3 in a best of 5 playoff series(with Santana pitching 2 instead of 1 of those games)...I know what my choice would be. Kudos to the ones who made that decision!!!
So I have been begging and begging my sister to send me some new pictures of the kiddies. And what does she do? She sends me over a hundred pics-in about 10 emails. Since there were so many pictures in the emails, her email program compressed the images, and I got thumbnail-sized pics. Ha. Guess that's what I get. LOL. They all look really cute...but now I have to ask her to just send a few at a time. She's gonna love that. :p *heehee* There are some really cute ones-first day of school pics, when the kids are getting ready for school-and there's a shot of them all lined up at the bus stop, waiting for the bus. I don't know if she posed them or not, but they are lined up according to height, with the smallest being first in line. Boo started first grade this year-I can't believe it!! Seems like only yesterday we were waiting for her to be born. She loves the first grade-she loves her classes, her teacher, the lunches. It's awesome-yeah, first grade is pretty cool. ;)
Tomorrow the second season of Doctor Who premieres on SciFi!! Yay!!!

That also means my weekly Doctor Who posts will start up again. :) I'm not sure how much extra stuff they'll contain, but they'll at least have the current and previous episodes listed. Hey, dont' forget! SciFi is having a marathon of the first season tomorrow starting at 8am, EDT with Dalek and ending with the season finale, the Parting of the Ways.
Oooh, I knew I should have posted about the Twins yesterday before they played. Once again, the Royals prevented us from tieing (or overtaking) the Tigers for first place in the division. Grrr... That's ok-miracles can still happen. After all, many thought the Twins were finished before the All-Star break. For those who doubted, I have this to say to you: HA! Last time the Twins were in town, I went to the one game that the Indians won in that series. Several Tribe fans started to make fun of me (and the handfull of other Twins fans in our section) and I stood up and bravely (or foolishly, depending on your point of view) shouted, "That's okay, 'cause come October, we'll still be playing." *heehee* It was a fun game though-pretty intense. I liked the fact that the other Twins fans around me were quite vocal-my cheering didn't echo quite so much. ;) When Joe Mauer first stepped up to the plate, me and another girl behind us, both screamed VERY loudly, causing several startled turned heads. ;) I'm pretty sure I confused the little boy who was sitting next to me-cheering when others were booing, and booing when others were cheering. Eventually he said hi, and after discovering that I don't bite, started chatting about all kinds of things-the kinds of things that are important to children his age, like Santa Claus coming in 3 months. :) LOL-he was a sweet kid.
The Twins are not going to let Santana pitch again until the playoffs. Hmmm...lets see-given the choice between possibly winning the division or possibly winning 3 in a best of 5 playoff series(with Santana pitching 2 instead of 1 of those games)...I know what my choice would be. Kudos to the ones who made that decision!!!
So I have been begging and begging my sister to send me some new pictures of the kiddies. And what does she do? She sends me over a hundred pics-in about 10 emails. Since there were so many pictures in the emails, her email program compressed the images, and I got thumbnail-sized pics. Ha. Guess that's what I get. LOL. They all look really cute...but now I have to ask her to just send a few at a time. She's gonna love that. :p *heehee* There are some really cute ones-first day of school pics, when the kids are getting ready for school-and there's a shot of them all lined up at the bus stop, waiting for the bus. I don't know if she posed them or not, but they are lined up according to height, with the smallest being first in line. Boo started first grade this year-I can't believe it!! Seems like only yesterday we were waiting for her to be born. She loves the first grade-she loves her classes, her teacher, the lunches. It's awesome-yeah, first grade is pretty cool. ;)
Tomorrow the second season of Doctor Who premieres on SciFi!! Yay!!!
That also means my weekly Doctor Who posts will start up again. :) I'm not sure how much extra stuff they'll contain, but they'll at least have the current and previous episodes listed. Hey, dont' forget! SciFi is having a marathon of the first season tomorrow starting at 8am, EDT with Dalek and ending with the season finale, the Parting of the Ways.