
Showing posts from 2010

Spreading Some Holiday Cheer

Well, so much for that blizzard that was supposed to hit us! Ok, the weather was kind of bad, and we did actually get to go home early yesterday (whoa!), but considering what they were originally predicting, this storm kinda just hiccuped and died. ;) Finally finished my decorating! Now when I watch tv, I can work on my knitting, rather than trying to decorate during commercials. ;) Thought I would send a little holiday cheer along. No matter how many times I see it, this video never gets old: Also, do you like Target's commercials for the season? Did you know that you can download all the music from the commercials? ...for FREE?!?! AWESOME! Check out Enjoy!!!

Snowy nights

As promised, here are a couple of pictures from Wednesday night: (click to enlarge) Check out our lights, all covered in snow!!! They are saying we are going to be hit with a blizzard Sunday, so there may be more snowy pictures in the future. ;)

Snow storms

Wow! I hope everyone in the area survived the surprise lake effect snow storm that came through yesterday afternoon! (I say surprise, because it was all supposed to have passed by late Tuesday afternoon)I was lucky-I got a ride home, and we somehow managed to squeeze into an opening, then hit a pocket of no vehicles on the road and we whizzed up Cedar Hill (well, not exactly 'whizzed up', after all, the roads were nasty!) I had a couple of friends who were stuck downtown for quite some time. It took poor Arthur 5 and a half hours to get home! He could've been to Columbus and back at that rate! I've got a couple of pictures I'll hope to post sometime soon... Tomorrow Sharon and I are going to the Botanical Gardens during our lunch break to check out the Gingerbread Houses-I'm so excited!! I'll definitely have to post some pictures of that. This weekend is the annual holiday baking party that Perseph and I try to have each year. I'm making rum balls...

Thanksgiving weekend roundup! :)

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! I did! I went over to the Jarc's for Thanksgiving dinner and had a great time! (even though I was coming down with a cold-boo!) Perseph's brother Adam and his wife Keeya joined us as well. After we ate we watched a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and played Mario Party 8. LOL. Good times, good times. I forgot to mention Wednesday when I got home, my downstairs neighbor Rachel was adding lights to the outside of the house. I asked her if she needed any help, and also added a strand of old fashion lights and garland of my own! The front looks pretty good. :) Sunday I did my back porch-this year I did twinkling snowflakes, instead of blue icicles, and I also added a small tree with red and green lights. :) I didn't do any Black Friday shopping this year (although there were some pretty cool doorbusters). Since I wasn't feeling well, I just relaxed at home. Even though it made my Saturday more busy than I would have liked, I r...

Fall Colors and More...

Ah, yes! The day before Thanksgiving! Busy time for everyone-a lot of my coworkers took the day off, so it was very quiet at work. I took last year off, but this year decided to save it for around Christmas time. I will be making pumpkin pies in just a bit. I LOVE making pumpkin pies! Crust and all! ;) This year I’m heading over to the Jarcs’ for Thanksgiving dinner-which will be alot of fun! Dunno if I’ll be doing any Black Friday Christmas shopping, but I am hoping to head downtown for Winterfest on Saturday. Nothing like a good old fashion lighting to get you in the mood...old fashion with fireworks...and lasers. LOL. (hmmm...are there lasers this year...?) Well, most of the leaves have finally fallen off the trees. I’m kicking myself for not getting out and taking more pictures (well, more than I did) This year I missed going to Cain Park and the Lagoon. It’s really sad that I missed the Lagoon-considering it is right next door to where I work. All I needed was one ...

Make your own Owl Lovers 2011 Calendar!

Just found this on Craftzine -a link to make your own (free!) 2011 Owl Calendar. I made one for myself. The images are just too cute! It was hard to pick only 12. I may have to make another one! The artwork is just fantastic. Oh! I can't do a post today without adding, 'Happy Birthday Doctor Who!!!!' Hard to believe it's been around for 47 years! For fun, if you missed it on my knitting blog: Tardis socks!

Halloween, part 3

Well, even though I have tons of pictures (I take way too many!) I think I will wrap up my 2010 Halloween with this post. Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away, after all!!! As I mentioned earlier, this year I spent Halloween at the Jarc's. Since I carved a pumpkin, and felt 2010 Jack deserved to have a candle light his insides, I brought along my freshly (actually, day old) carved pumpkin. He hung out on the front steps, and looked pretty cool! 2010 Jack As we were getting ready for the kids, we noticed that the setting sun had a very cool affect on the trees in the neighborhood. Isn't that cool? Look how the trees in the background seem to come alive with a warm autumn glow. Oooh, I love the fall!!!!!!!! We didn't have as many kids as we've had before-I did a count on Twitter, but by the end of the evening, we had lost count (the gap between kids was unusually long). We probably had less than 100 kids. This year, however, a good portion of the kids were in costume (e...

Halloween, part 2 Warning: images galore!

Hope everyone got out to vote today! I did-bright and early (because I knew I would be too tired at the end of the day) ;) For my second Halloween post, I want to share the costume I made-no real character (although from looking at some of the pictures, I could be the Mad Hatter or a character from A Clockwork Orange ...). I wanted to try making a Steampunk themed costume, because I've always loved Steampunk, plus the theme for Marcon next year is alternative history-it will work for that as well! :-) To start off, I needed boots-and as I've mentioned before, my calves are entirely too thick for fancy boots, but I came across a pattern for knitted spats (see my entry in Roknits for more details). Here's a picture of me actually wearing them: Next I wanted to work on a really cool hat. This is where it could get rather expensive, with goggles and clock pieces and all. After finding an inexpensive hat and pair of goggles at Halloween City , I decided I could make stenci...

Halloween, part 1

Well, I meant to post this entry before Halloween, with updates after, but alas-my costume needed just a little more tweaking than I thought it would, and I ran out of time! I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and happy Halloween!! I know I did! Although I didn't give out candy at my place this year (like I did last year for the first time ever!), I still decorated, because, well, I love to decorate! Here's my pumpkin, resting on my back porch-it had no idea what it was to become late Friday night. ;) Here's a picture from part of my yard. I adore Peanuts-I think the Snoopy sign is the only decoration that I didn't buy on sale, because when I saw it, I had to have it before the store ran out! (which they did!) Not all of these decorations are mine-my downstairs neighbor also likes to decorate! :) I recently finished a knitting project! Check out my Steampunk Spats at RoKnits: Steampunk Spatterdashes They were a part of my Steampunk themed Halloween costume that I wore to...

A letter

Dear Twins: Okay Boys, this is it!!! Sure it's been a rough couple of weeks, but it's time to put that behind you and to start kicking some serious baseball butt! (remember 1987? You can do it!!!) You've got home field advantage for the ADLS in the brand-spankin' new Target Field-lets make some magic happen!! You know I love you and just want to thank you for the exciting ride this year (but I wouldn't mind extending that ride a little longer, say, until November? :)) xoxo, Romana. P.S. WIN TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

some book reviews

Here are a couple of book reviews I did fairly recently on goodreads: We're Gonna Win, Twins! by Doug Grow My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really enjoyed this book-it was great to learn more about the history of my home team, and to relieve the childhood memories of our first World Series win. Doug Grow did a excellent job-while reading about the first World Series win in 1987, I actually got shivers down my spin and couldn't help but feel excited all over again. And I have to admit, re-reading about the death of Twins announcer Herb Carneal the day before Opening Day back in 2007 brought tears to my eyes. I actually found a copy of this book in the Cleveland Public Library, but I will definitely have to add this to my personal collection at home! View all my reviews The Cain Saga, Volume 1: Juliet by Kaori Yuki My rating: 3 of 5 stars I started reading Kaori Yuki's Godchild series first, and decided before I finished it off (I still need to read volume 8) I would give her pre...

One last hurrah for September!

Ah, the last day of September! Fall is here, and I'm very excited about Halloween! :) This weekend I think I will put up my yard decorations. I already have some regular fall decos out around the house, including new candles from Glade..mmm...I love the new scents! (too bad they are limited edition). ;) Decorating won't be the only thing I'm doing this weekend. Saturday I'll be participating in the NAMI Walk with Brigie. Check out our team page ! Brigie works for Recovery Resources here in the Cleveland area. I'm looking forward to the walk-I'll be sure to take pictures (although whether they make it to the blog is a different story! ;) ) Sunday is the Peruvian procession for Italian Band, which will be our last official gig of the year. I think this is the first time in a while that I've been able to make every gig! (usually I'm away during the 4th, so I miss the 4th of July parade. This year I took my vacation later, and made sure to schedule it...

St. Rocco's 2010!

It's time for St. Rocco's festival! Normally I would have a post about how excited I am for another Italian Band gig (and how excited I am for the zeppoli! I waited all summer!) but I've been busy setting up a blog for the Italian Band. :) We'll be at St. Rocco's Saturday evening, and Sunday afternoon for the procession, and Sunday evening again. Stop by to here us play and have some Zeppoli!! Oh! Here's a link to the post I created for the Italian band site: St. Rocco's Everyone have a fun and safe holiday weekend!!

Perseids and the Feast

Well, phooey-nothing in July. That makes it the second month when I didn't post anything at all. Not even a short note to let you know I still have every intention of blogging again. Hmmm...maybe I should consider mobile updates for brief messages. I have a Twitter account for something like that, but not everyone uses Twitter. The only thing is it will only update this blog and not my LiveJournal or MySpace blogs. Oh, well. Tonight is the first night of the Feast of the Assumption! We will be doing our standard around the neighborhood for the first couple of hours, with a sit down sometime after 8pm. Dunno if I'll have the chance to update during the Feast, but you never know-I might try. ;) If you are on Twitter, you can follow me there -as I'm sure I'll update it at least a couple of times this weekend. ;) From last year: Yeah, I know-not many pictures. That's ok-the Italian Band has a, wait for it... Facebook page !! It's set up so you can browse our...

the beginning of summer!

Well, I thought for sure I would post more in the month of June, but it just didn't happen. I caught a bad cold at the beginning of the month, which caused a double ear infection (yuck!), and I'm still not 100%. Blah! It's weird still being here-usually by this time I'm in Minnesota visiting my family for the Fourth of July. I'm still going up there this summer-just later in July (after Mount Carmel!) Since I'm here, I'll be able to play in the parade at Shore Acres-I played there the first year I was in Italian Band, but ever since then I've always been in Minnesota. Wait, now that I think about it, I might have played there the first two years I was in Italian band...that still makes it 11 years since I've played that gig! ;) I've got quite the container garden on my back porch-I've had quite a few successes, a couple of disappointments, a surprise, and one puzzle: I have no idea what's wrong with my marigolds this year-half of the...

Flying into (outof?) Spring!

Whoa! It's the end of May! I haven't had much time to post since I switched my blog, and so much has gone on! I still need to write up the rest of the events at Relay-I also need to get on the ball and post some pictures! (I haven't even uploaded any to flickr or facebook yet.) Summer is just around the corner! My summer lights are up! Also, I've planted new flowers! I have more this year-I added another hanging basket-filled with purple petunias, dusty miller, and some English ivy. In my original hanging basket, I planted the extra petunias (the extra dusty miller went into a regular pot on the table on my porch) This year I decided to have marigolds in the flower box (last year I had marigolds and white petunias). I have yellow, orange and French (orange and red) marigolds. I also purchased a geranium, to add a touch of pink to my porch. Speaking of pink, my Asian lillies have come back! Last year I just cut down the old plant and left it on my porch. Earlie...

Success? I hope so!

I think I managed to successfully migrate my blog!! There were a few hiccups though. First, Blogger couldn't reach my ftp account. I wasn't sure who wasn't talking to who, but I finally managed to get Blogger to sign into my server. Not really how I wanted to spend my lunch hour, but since I'm still working with dial up here at home, I wanted to do the migration with a more reliable connection. Then I started the migration process-everything was going smoothly until I got an error from Blogger-it couldn't reach my ftp server again. They gave me a link to download all the files I needed, and instructed me to upload them manually (which, by the way, is what you have to do if you waited until after May 1st to update your blog. The migration tool was designed to do most of the work for you, while it still had ftp support.) Since I couldn't access my server at work, I had to wait until I got home. Just for kicks, I decided to see what my blog looked like in it's ...

This blog has moved

This blog is now located at You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here . For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to

Leave it to me... leave things to the last minute. Yup, I'm still publishing with my ftp server. The deadline is Saturday-yikes! I've actually been thinking about this for several weeks-how do I get Blogger to do what I want? I would like to keep this blog at my dreamingheart address, but Blogger doesn't support my current set up (publishing to a file). Each blog has to have it's own unique address (like, instead of There is also an issue with naked domains, but I'm not as clear about that... In any case, if I want to keep my dreamingheart address, I can't do it on my own-I'll need some help from my hostess. She is quite busy at the moment-being a new mommy and all. ;) I would rather wait until we both have enough time to work on this. :) That leaves me to my next dilemma-what do I do in the meantime? Move temporarily to blogspot? Leave this be for now, and just post to my liveJournal account? (Right now it's boringly called ...

Relay 2010, update 1: the setup!

Wow, what a Relay! This year was quite a challenge with the weather (well, it is April in Cleveland, after all). First it was rain, then wind, then chilly temperatures, and even a few snow flurries! ;) All last week the weather had been calling for rain, but by Friday the chances had diminished quite a bit. It was drizzly throughout the day, but had pretty much gone by about 4pm. However, the wind picked up! It took Brian and I nearly an hour to put up our tent. Because of the sprinkler system, we weren't allowed to use stakes in the ground, so that provided to be a real challenge. As Brian retells the tale, I was in the back, holding down the tent while he was trying to set it up in the front. There was this huge gust of wind, and I screamed as it nearly took me out. Brian calls 'Are you okay?' and hears me say 'I'm ok!' in a tiny voice. LOL. Finally, a couple of guys came over and asked if we needed any help. ;) They did provide sandbags-sort of. Th...


Rain or shine, this weekend, I'll be at CWRU's Relay for Life! I'll be updating my twitter page (which also updates my facebook page) from time to time throughout the night and hopefully I'll be taking lots of pictures. Relay runs from 6pm until noon tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for dry weather! ;)


Shhh...what's that I hear? Why, it's the sound of outdoor baseball returning to Minnesota!!!! Go, Twins!! !

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Just wanted to take time out and say, "Happy St. Patrick's Day!" Stay safe, folks! hmmm...updates coming soon (I hope!) ;)

new commenting

So a couple of days after I find out that Blogger will no longer support FTP publishing, I find out that my current host for my comments, Haloscan, will be ending their service this Friday. Yay. :p No matter, I decided rather than switch to another commenting system (before Haloscan, I was using Enetation) I decided to go ahead and use Blogger's commenting system. (Why didn't I start with Blogger? Well, when I first started my blog, Blogger didn't support comments) Haloscan is allowing its members to switch to a new service-but it is a pay service, so I think I'll decline-after all, not many people comment on my blogs, so why pay for the option? Ah, well-haven't switched my publishing yet-that will be an adventure over the next few weeks! ;)

testing....*sigh* I didn't post at all in January-my streak is broken! :( However, today I got an email from Blogger saying they will be discontinuing FTP support in March. (that's how I publish Wandering ) This is just a test to see if my blog is still publishing, so this entry probably will not show up on LiveJournal or MySpace... To top it off, my comments don't seem to be working! Argggg.... Changes are a-comin'. I don't know if I have time to adjust!