Halloween, part 1
Well, I meant to post this entry before Halloween, with updates after, but alas-my costume needed just a little more tweaking than I thought it would, and I ran out of time!
I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and happy Halloween!! I know I did! Although I didn't give out candy at my place this year (like I did last year for the first time ever!), I still decorated, because, well, I love to decorate!
Here's my pumpkin, resting on my back porch-it had no idea what it was to become late Friday night. ;)

Here's a picture from part of my yard. I adore Peanuts-I think the Snoopy sign is the only decoration that I didn't buy on sale, because when I saw it, I had to have it before the store ran out! (which they did!) Not all of these decorations are mine-my downstairs neighbor also likes to decorate! :)

I recently finished a knitting project! Check out my Steampunk Spats at RoKnits:
Steampunk Spatterdashes
They were a part of my Steampunk themed Halloween costume that I wore to P&B's Halloween party. I also worked on a hat. Steampunk costuming can get on the pricey side if you're not careful, so I decided to find a simpler route. I picked up a pair of cheap, but IMO, very cool looking googles and a top hat at Halloween City, and decided to make some clockwork pieces using stencils I had created from pictures, and some card stock from JoAnn's.

(clock piece stencils)
I will be posting more about my hat-Craftzine is having a Halloween contest-normally I don't do these type of contests (I once tried to do a Christmas Village display contest at Michaels, only to find I had the cutoff date wrong!) but I thought I would give this a try. :)

Oh! If you haven't noticed-I finally have a working RSS-feed for my blog!!!! :)
I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and happy Halloween!! I know I did! Although I didn't give out candy at my place this year (like I did last year for the first time ever!), I still decorated, because, well, I love to decorate!
Here's my pumpkin, resting on my back porch-it had no idea what it was to become late Friday night. ;)

Here's a picture from part of my yard. I adore Peanuts-I think the Snoopy sign is the only decoration that I didn't buy on sale, because when I saw it, I had to have it before the store ran out! (which they did!) Not all of these decorations are mine-my downstairs neighbor also likes to decorate! :)

I recently finished a knitting project! Check out my Steampunk Spats at RoKnits:
Steampunk Spatterdashes
They were a part of my Steampunk themed Halloween costume that I wore to P&B's Halloween party. I also worked on a hat. Steampunk costuming can get on the pricey side if you're not careful, so I decided to find a simpler route. I picked up a pair of cheap, but IMO, very cool looking googles and a top hat at Halloween City, and decided to make some clockwork pieces using stencils I had created from pictures, and some card stock from JoAnn's.

(clock piece stencils)
I will be posting more about my hat-Craftzine is having a Halloween contest-normally I don't do these type of contests (I once tried to do a Christmas Village display contest at Michaels, only to find I had the cutoff date wrong!) but I thought I would give this a try. :)
Oh! If you haven't noticed-I finally have a working RSS-feed for my blog!!!! :)