Fall Colors and More...
Ah, yes! The day before Thanksgiving! Busy time for everyone-a lot of my coworkers took the day off, so it was very quiet at work. I took last year off, but this year decided to save it for around Christmas time. I will be making pumpkin pies in just a bit. I LOVE making pumpkin pies! Crust and all! ;) This year I’m heading over to the Jarcs’ for Thanksgiving dinner-which will be alot of fun! Dunno if I’ll be doing any Black Friday Christmas shopping, but I am hoping to head downtown for Winterfest on Saturday. Nothing like a good old fashion lighting to get you in the mood...old fashion with fireworks...and lasers. LOL. (hmmm...are there lasers this year...?)
Well, most of the leaves have finally fallen off the trees. I’m kicking myself for not getting out and taking more pictures (well, more than I did) This year I missed going to Cain Park and the Lagoon. It’s really sad that I missed the Lagoon-considering it is right next door to where I work. All I needed was one lunch break! Ha! I did manage to get some really nice pictures around campus and while out walking. (again, why didn’t I walk to Cain Park?)
Here’s a nice picture from Cedar Road:

(click the thumbnails to embiggen)
And this area by the Southside dorms (uh, I mean Residential Village) never fails to disappoint:

(click the thumbnails to embiggen)
The third year I was in Tippit, I basically took the same shot-only there were dark grey clouds in the background, making the browns and oranges on the trees really stand out-next year I might take another picture and post it along with this one and the one from 1998...
This year I noticed the leaves in several stages of changing color-I’m sure it happens all the time, but I’ve been noticing it more. Has walking on a regular basis made me more observant? I dunno, but I’m enjoying it. Here’s a tree with some brighter colors:

Here’s another tree with darker colors:

Are they not gorgeous? Have I mentioned how much I love the fall? :)
Well, if I don’t get the chance to post tomorrow, I just want to say, Happy Thanksgiving! If you are traveling, I hope you make it to your destinations safely! I’m off to make pumpkin pies!!! :)
Well, most of the leaves have finally fallen off the trees. I’m kicking myself for not getting out and taking more pictures (well, more than I did) This year I missed going to Cain Park and the Lagoon. It’s really sad that I missed the Lagoon-considering it is right next door to where I work. All I needed was one lunch break! Ha! I did manage to get some really nice pictures around campus and while out walking. (again, why didn’t I walk to Cain Park?)
Here’s a nice picture from Cedar Road:

(click the thumbnails to embiggen)
And this area by the Southside dorms (uh, I mean Residential Village) never fails to disappoint:

(click the thumbnails to embiggen)
The third year I was in Tippit, I basically took the same shot-only there were dark grey clouds in the background, making the browns and oranges on the trees really stand out-next year I might take another picture and post it along with this one and the one from 1998...
This year I noticed the leaves in several stages of changing color-I’m sure it happens all the time, but I’ve been noticing it more. Has walking on a regular basis made me more observant? I dunno, but I’m enjoying it. Here’s a tree with some brighter colors:

Here’s another tree with darker colors:

Are they not gorgeous? Have I mentioned how much I love the fall? :)
Well, if I don’t get the chance to post tomorrow, I just want to say, Happy Thanksgiving! If you are traveling, I hope you make it to your destinations safely! I’m off to make pumpkin pies!!! :)