D.W.Q.M.: "No, impossible-I'm fully booked for the next three centuries." -the Fourth Doctor
If you happen to see someone running around this week like a chicken with it's head cut off, that's probably me, getting ready for Easter.

*Ro, the chicken, running around...apparently with her head still intact.*
Why do I always manage to do this to myself? I'm not even having company over! I'm going to be the company!
The upside to all of this is that I get to hang out with some really cool people at the end of the week!! :)
I've been really slacking with decorating-the last of my St. Patrick's Day decos finally came down last night. (I already had the lights down and Easter lights up).
Lets see, Sunday I slept most of the afternoon (a short nap to get rid of a sinus headache ended up lasting 5 hours-D'oh!) Monday night I was babysitting Lil'K (she's soo sweet!) Her parent's team made it through the first round of the playoffs (Congrats!), so I get to hang out with her some more! Thankfully the game that was scheduled for tonight was rescheduled, otherwise I would have had to turn them down.
Last night was grocery night (thank you for taking me to the grocery store, Perseph!) Then I had to tackle some handwash clothes-I always manage to forget about them until I want to wear the said items again. D'oh! My hands were so numb from the cold water that I didn't want to tackle the sink full of dishes that awaited me in the kitchen. (...will have to do those sometime this week...)
And that's just the beginning of my week...
Perhaps I should've taken a nap during lunch today...LOL. Nah, the conversation was way too interesting to nap through. ;)
I will be at St. Rocco's on Good Friday for the evening procession. This year it may still actually be light out when we finish! (Last year Good Friday fell before the time change-we weren't even halfway through the procession and we could no longer see our music.)
That's all for now-gotta run! :)
If you happen to see someone running around this week like a chicken with it's head cut off, that's probably me, getting ready for Easter.
*Ro, the chicken, running around...apparently with her head still intact.*
Why do I always manage to do this to myself? I'm not even having company over! I'm going to be the company!
The upside to all of this is that I get to hang out with some really cool people at the end of the week!! :)
I've been really slacking with decorating-the last of my St. Patrick's Day decos finally came down last night. (I already had the lights down and Easter lights up).
Lets see, Sunday I slept most of the afternoon (a short nap to get rid of a sinus headache ended up lasting 5 hours-D'oh!) Monday night I was babysitting Lil'K (she's soo sweet!) Her parent's team made it through the first round of the playoffs (Congrats!), so I get to hang out with her some more! Thankfully the game that was scheduled for tonight was rescheduled, otherwise I would have had to turn them down.
Last night was grocery night (thank you for taking me to the grocery store, Perseph!) Then I had to tackle some handwash clothes-I always manage to forget about them until I want to wear the said items again. D'oh! My hands were so numb from the cold water that I didn't want to tackle the sink full of dishes that awaited me in the kitchen. (...will have to do those sometime this week...)
And that's just the beginning of my week...
Perhaps I should've taken a nap during lunch today...LOL. Nah, the conversation was way too interesting to nap through. ;)
I will be at St. Rocco's on Good Friday for the evening procession. This year it may still actually be light out when we finish! (Last year Good Friday fell before the time change-we weren't even halfway through the procession and we could no longer see our music.)
That's all for now-gotta run! :)