
D.W.Q.M.: "We're talking about one of the most powerful blokes in the cosmos. "Nobble" him?" -the Third Doctor

I find it sad that the birth of 'TomKat''s baby has made the front page of the Plain Dealer. Even if it is just a small corner-my thought is-who gives a flying frak? That's all I'm going to say about that.

Speaking of flying things-on to much cooler stuff. :)

Last night
Perseph and I attended our first Ladies Scrambles for disc golf at Sims, and we had a blast! Perseph found out about it from Scotty last week, so we thought we'd give it a try.
We get together then flip for partners (we were a little late, so they decided to let us be partners-good thing too-since we were new, we wanted to stick together. ;) ) Then when you play, you take the best shot. At first we felt a little intimidated, since most of them had been playing longer than us, but we were soon put at ease-everyone was really friendly, and gave us encouraging shouts. Whenever we hit a tree or threw our disc way off the fairway, they'd say, 'don't worry, we've all been there-and still go there!' LOL :) When I threw my disc right into a tree that was maybe 5 feet away at hole 6, one of the girls said 'that's okay-look at all the marks on that tree!' We had a great time-and can't wait to play with them again!!

Speaking of cool stuff, I meant to post about this earlier, but things got away from me. Besides Open that Box! day on the 8th, Perseph and I participated in a March for
Marfan on campus. Actually, Perseph was an official participient-I was along to keep her company (next year I plan on officially partcipating, too). She completed a 3K walk!! You go, Perseph!!! :)
