Doctor Who news
D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?"
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"
(author's note: this post can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern with more info on the second series.)
Series One (season 27) in the USA:
Fridays, 9pm EST on the SciFi Channel
Current episode:
8. Father's Day
Previous episodes:
7.The Long Game
5.World War III
4.Aliens of London
3.The Unquiet Dead
2.The End of the World
Series Two (season 28) in the UK:
Saturdays, at 7:20pm GMT on BBC1
Current episode:
3.School Reunion
Previous episodes:
2.Tooth and Claw
1. New Earth
Are you Doctor Who's biggest fan? is running a contest and the prize is a 30 gig video IPod with the first series already uploaded! Sweet! Answer at least 3 out of 10 trivia questions from the classic series, and you'll get an entry form to fill out. (*heehee* if I win, it'll be like Foofy winning his iPod for being the fastest person to solve the Rubix Cube at Notacon!) Well, sort of. ;)
Click here to enter the contest. (There's a small catch-you have to be a registered member of to enter, but membership is free) The contest runs from now until June 9th, according to Outpost Gallifrey. I've already entered! Good luck to all. :)
U.S. Ratings: The Long Game saw ratings go up from last week-averaging a 1.20 household rating with an average viewing audience of 1.4 million. That's up by about one tenth of a million from Dalek, which is the series's lowest rating to date.
If you haven't already read about it, Who's K9 gets own show. The animated, Jetix-ed, K-9! Whoa, doggie. ;)
from Outpost Gallifrey: Series 3 writers announced! Among them are Stephen Fry (yes, the Stephen Fry, who's episode was moved from series 2 to series 3) and Steven Moffat, who wrote 2 of my favoite episodes from series 1: the Empty Child and the Doctor Dances. Check out their news page for more on the series 3 writers.
and before I go:

(YAY!!!) :) I know I'm being silly, but I just can't help it-I'm so excited!!
the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?"
(author's note: this post can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern with more info on the second series.)
Series One (season 27) in the USA:
Fridays, 9pm EST on the SciFi Channel
Current episode:
8. Father's Day
Previous episodes:
7.The Long Game
5.World War III
4.Aliens of London
3.The Unquiet Dead
2.The End of the World
Series Two (season 28) in the UK:
Saturdays, at 7:20pm GMT on BBC1
Current episode:
3.School Reunion
Previous episodes:
2.Tooth and Claw
1. New Earth
Are you Doctor Who's biggest fan? is running a contest and the prize is a 30 gig video IPod with the first series already uploaded! Sweet! Answer at least 3 out of 10 trivia questions from the classic series, and you'll get an entry form to fill out. (*heehee* if I win, it'll be like Foofy winning his iPod for being the fastest person to solve the Rubix Cube at Notacon!) Well, sort of. ;)
Click here to enter the contest. (There's a small catch-you have to be a registered member of to enter, but membership is free) The contest runs from now until June 9th, according to Outpost Gallifrey. I've already entered! Good luck to all. :)
U.S. Ratings: The Long Game saw ratings go up from last week-averaging a 1.20 household rating with an average viewing audience of 1.4 million. That's up by about one tenth of a million from Dalek, which is the series's lowest rating to date.
If you haven't already read about it, Who's K9 gets own show. The animated, Jetix-ed, K-9! Whoa, doggie. ;)
from Outpost Gallifrey: Series 3 writers announced! Among them are Stephen Fry (yes, the Stephen Fry, who's episode was moved from series 2 to series 3) and Steven Moffat, who wrote 2 of my favoite episodes from series 1: the Empty Child and the Doctor Dances. Check out their news page for more on the series 3 writers.
and before I go:
(YAY!!!) :) I know I'm being silly, but I just can't help it-I'm so excited!!