let there be light!

D.W.Q.M.: the Third Doctor: "...I have an oil lamp here..."
Sarah Jane Smith: "Don't tell me-you are going to rub it and produce a genie."
Third Doctor: "On the contrary, Sarah, I'm going to light it and illuminate us."
Sarah Jane: "Ahh...horray for old fashion oil."

The electricity is finally back on!!!

Oh, for those of you who don't know, thanks to all the wind and wet snow we had on April 2nd, I had been without electricity, heat, or hot water since Saturday night. Even though the heat is gas heat, apparently the methods used to get the heat from the central unit to each of the individual apartments are not.

Thank god for running cold water and gas stoves.

The Doctor called me around 11 am and informed me that they had finally switched us back on. *whew!

Perseph and I had just finished up an afternoon of dealing with crazy drivers, cranky cashiers, strong winds, wet snow, rude parking lot people (hey, the lady who parked next to us pushed six shopping carts behind our car!) and were just chatting in her car in front of my apartment, when we saw this blue flash behind us. Not knowing what had caused it, we decided that it was our cue to finish up and part ways. I grabbed my bags, waved goodbye, and ran up to my apartment. The lights were still on and the Doctor was watching tv, so I sat down to watch the news.

...Then the lights blinked off and back on. I jumped from the couch and said, 'What the heck?!' The Doctor was like, 'oh, yeah, that happened just before you got home.' "Just before?!" I immediately got on the phone to Perseph to let her know I figured out what the bright blue flash was. While I was talking to her, I noticed another flash out in the street, and then noticed that there was something orange and sparkling flapping around on the street like a fish out of water. You could here the crackling on the phone, so I told Perseph that I had to report a downed power line. Shortly there after, the lights in my apartment got brighter, but that was short lived. About 7:45pm the power went out for good. There was a Cleveland Hts cop car blocking the street with the downed wire, who was eventually replaced by someone from the Illuminating company. Approx. 130,000 were without power, and they were thinking as late as Tuesday night before everyone was back on. When I went to church the next morning, I discovered that all of my block was out, including the two gas stations, Grums, the Dairy Mart and laundry place up at the corner. The traffic lights were being powered by two emergency generators.

Later that evening, we saw a cherry picker pull up to the downed wire (one was still in the parking lot, and another was draped across the roof of someone's house) and asked if we'd have the power on by tonight-the response was 'we're hopin' so.' (Not so, as it turns out) We walked up to Medic hoping that they still had bags of ice-thankfully they had plenty, and there were about 5 other people there buying ice for the exact same reason. Quite alot of people in my neighborhood had been without power since Saturday night. Perseph called and said she hadn't realized that I was still without power and offered her place if I got sick of being in the dark. I told her thanks, but I was going to try to duke it out another night. Good thing we decided to do our grocery shopping on Tuesday instead of Saturday!!

As of this morning, 60,000 were still without power and I was one of those 60,000 at first. The power has been on for about 12 hours now (*knock on wood*), and the lines that were down seem to be fixed. The food in the fridge and freezer survived, although I'm probably going to have to cook up most of the meat that was in the freezer to be on the safe side.

Meatloaf for all!! ;)
