Doctor Who news (and thoughts)

D.W.Q.M.: "So you are my replacements? A dandy and a clown!" -the First Doctor

Episodes on BBC1:
1. Rose
2. The End of the World
3. The Unquiet Dead

4. Aliens of London

While reading Outpost Gallifrey, I noticed that they mentioned that BBC7 will be airing the radio program The Ghosts of N-Space starting Sunday April 24th. Unfortunately I was only able to find the programming schedule up to the 19th, but I hope it's true! (Ghosts of N-Space is a sequel to Paradise of Death with the Third Doctor, the Brigadier, and Sarah Jane Smith.)

The third episode of Doctor Who beat Prince Charles' wedding in ratings. LOL.

It turns out that Russel T. Davies knew all along that Christopher Eccelston was only going to be the Doctor for one series. (ah-ha!) He said that they had his (Eccleston's) departure all planned, but it wasn't supposed to come out until the end of the series. (Bad BBC!) It'll be interesting to see how the series plays out.

Speaking of 'seeing Doctor Who'...still no word as to when and where it'll be shown in the USA. *sigh*

So I picked today's quote by opening my copy of Doctor Who: The DisContinuity Guide to a random page. I really liked the episodes where the Doctor came across his past selves (even though it is forbidden by The First Law of Time.) ;) I especially liked the way the Second and Third Doctor always interacted with each other-like squabbling siblings. Cracks me up everytime I see The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors :-D Got me to thinking that we probably won't see something like that with the new series (for obvious reasons) Not that I have any idea what Davies is planning for the series. LOL. Whatever he's planning, though-it seems to be heading in the right direction-at least in my book! :)
