D.W.Q.M.: the First Doctor: "Oh, we're travelers. That's my grandchild Susan, and that's Miss Wright, and that's Charlton." *chuckles*
Ian: *sighs* "Chesterton, Ian Chesterton."
(for Karen) I finally put them up! :) *heehee*
Ok, I've been meaning to do this for a really (and I mean really) long time.
Pictures of my sister's kiddies!! :) Thanks to my sister's camera phone, I've been getting pictures that are more up to date.
The first pic is of Boo and Mellon (that's the nickname they've given the little one-it's kinda cute, so I just may continue to use it. LOL) This was taken back in February:

Here's a shot of the whole bunch, also taken in February:

They look a little dishelved because Al took this picture as soon as they got up. Mellon had the right idea-she's still asleep!
The last one was taken just last week:

"Pooh is as big as me!" :)
It's hard to believe Mellon is already 4 months old! Boy how time flies...soon she'll be old enough to become a Doctor Who fan!! LOL ;)
Ian: *sighs* "Chesterton, Ian Chesterton."
(for Karen) I finally put them up! :) *heehee*
Ok, I've been meaning to do this for a really (and I mean really) long time.
Pictures of my sister's kiddies!! :) Thanks to my sister's camera phone, I've been getting pictures that are more up to date.
The first pic is of Boo and Mellon (that's the nickname they've given the little one-it's kinda cute, so I just may continue to use it. LOL) This was taken back in February:

Here's a shot of the whole bunch, also taken in February:

They look a little dishelved because Al took this picture as soon as they got up. Mellon had the right idea-she's still asleep!
The last one was taken just last week:

"Pooh is as big as me!" :)
It's hard to believe Mellon is already 4 months old! Boy how time flies...soon she'll be old enough to become a Doctor Who fan!! LOL ;)