Swearing off swearing...

*note to all: I actually started this entry during lunch today, but realized that it was going to take way longer than a half an hour to write.* ;)

D.W.Q.M.: "Circular logic will only make you dizzy, Doctor." - Peri

Conversation overheard in Heaven on February 25th, 2004:
God: "Was I supposed to end the world today?"
Jesus: "No, why?"
God: "Because Romana was seen in church, today!!!"

Ah...Lent, 40 days of fast before Easter. You know, I had in mind an entire entry about Lent, but I have discovered that actually putting it into typed out words is alot harder than I thought. Maybe it's because in general I have a hard time really expressing how I feel about serious topics such as this.

I guess I should start by admitting, yes, I did go to church on Ash Wenedsday, and yes, as of late, me going to church has been a rare occurance. (I always go on Ash Wenesday, Easter, and Christmas, sometimes inbetween those Holy Days, too) Why? Not really sure. Because I am lazy? Yes, that would probably be my biggest excuse. Because I haven't found a Parish I really like yet? Yeah, that too. Not that the Parishes here are bad. Well, why then? Because I was spoiled? Yeah, that could be it. So, if you haven't already stopped reading because you think I'm totally crazy, you are probably wondering what I mean when I say spoiled I grew up in the Liberal Catholic Church of America (I just found the homepage of my old church, how cool is that?!). When I was in junior high, my family started going to the Roman Catholic Church, St. Lawrence, in what is affectionately called 'Dinkytown', near the University of Minnesota. Shortly after we started attending Mass there, they introduced us to a new priest, Father Steve. I don't know if it was the parishoners (they were all really nice) or Father Steve (his smile kind of reminded me of my own father's, whom I had just lost recently) or a combination of both-but I really did enjoy going to church every week. Also, there was something about Father Steve that just made you want to come to Mass every Sunday-he was very well liked among all his Parishoners. I guess I just haven't found a Parish here that gives me that same kind of feeling. Going to church on Sunday shouldn't have to feel like a chore-it is supposed to be joyous, a 'mini-Easter.' Okay, so maybe that is a bit harsh. The point is, I'm just to darn lazy to get up every Sunday morning.

This brings us to the present-we are now almost a week into the Lenten season. Every year most Catholics give up something for Lent, usually something that is very important to us. We aren't "required" to do it...in fact, I keep hearing more and more about how people, rather than give something up, do something for Lent. Like volunteer in your community, or spend some extra time with your family. I read that once, when she was younger, a woman's mother made her write to a different family member every day during Lent. The idea being that these acts help you draw closer to Jesus. Some people give things up in the hopes of improving their life...

So, what did I give up for Lent? Swearing. Same as last year. Did it improve my life? No, not really-just thinned my wallet out a little, and obviously I'm still swearing, 'cause I'm trying to give it up again!! ;) One swear word equals one quarter in the swear jar (my hurricane glass from Minneapolis's Hard Rock Cafe-last year it was Perseph's 'Happy Bowl' from the Have a Nice Day Cafe, but that is currently working as the wedding fund bank. ;) ) Last year Perseph joined me in swearing off swearing...until the unfortunate incident involving a dinosaur...but I think Persephone herself is planning an entry about that, so I will just leave you with this: Jerm counted 13....or was it 14? ;)

Speaking of Jerm, his mission this Lenten season is to see how many times he can make me swear. Sometimes he's successful, but I think I've been doing a pretty good job and not letting him get to me. ;) Mario Kart, on the other hand...not a good game to play if you are trying to watch your language. Ash Wenesday I lost $1.25 while playing the game...this weekend I think it was around 3 dollars...and another buck this evening alone-and it hasn't even been a week yet!!!! I guess this year the gang'll get a good pizza, and the church will have a nice donation. Last year Jerm asked me what I was going to do with the money-he joked and said I should buy everyone pizza-I said sure, but then decided to match what was in the swear jar and add it to the collection plate on Easter. Perhaps I will do the same again this year! :)
