More astro stuff

D.W.Q.M.: "Our lives are different from anybody else's. That's the exciting thing. Nobody in the universe can do what we're doing!" -the Second Doctor

If you're out and about and it's clear just after dusk tonight, take a look up into the sky-it's beautiful!

Venus will be shining brightly next to the crescent moon, and all 5 of the classical planets (Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn) are visible in the evening sky for the next two weeks, although Mercury will be harder to see towards the end. I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Mercury and the crescent moon last night while I was waiting for Perseph for our Toys 'r Us adventure-it was beautiful!! :) Plus, Orion and the other winter constellations are still quite visible. If you get the chance, take a step outside-it's so worth it!! :) :)
