Random thoughts

D.W.Q.M.: "Close your eyes and Nero will give you a big surprise!" -from the 12th story, The Romans (1965)

I am sitting here waiting for a batch of cookies to come out of the oven, so I can put another in, and I decided to write a random thoughts post...

...if things don't make sense, don't be too surprised...my random thoughts very rarely make sense... ;)

"We may have inadvertently, totally accidently..." -Major Carter (random quote from Stargate)

Note to self: country + rain = boots.
My friend Kim and I decided to drive out to Burton and Middlefield to visit the Amish country, get some fresh maple syrup and Amish cheese...mmmm...cheeeesee...

Speaking of cheese, I saw a commercial not too long ago for California cheese-their motto? warm weather=happy cows. Happy cows=good cheese. Well, being from the northern midwest, perhaps I am a bit biased, but lets think about this: cheese comes from curdled milk...wouldn't the curdled milk be better from unhappy, p-oed cows freezing in America's Dairyland? Give me Wisconsin cheese any day. ;)

Speaking of freezing weather (or not), it was rainy all day when Kim and I went on our little adventure. It had been getting warmer most of the week, but not warm enough to melt all the snow away. On our way to Burton, we passed by a yard that was totally void of snow, save for the huge snowman. Perhaps it was the rain, or perhaps it was a bunch of wiley kids, but on the way back we noticed that the snowman was leaning over and the poor thing had been beheaded!

It's amazing how one's definition of 'acceptable language' can change as your role changes from 'Mom' to 'Grandma'. I was talking on the phone with my mom the other day, and my neice Boo was visiting for the weekend. She was sitting on my mom's lap, and I heard her say 'Grandma, what's that smell? Grandma, did you fart?' My mom replied, 'No, I didn't fart. Did you fart?' Now, when my sister and I were kids, if we were to say 'fart', grant it, it wasn't as bad as actual swearing, but we were always reprimanded-it was considered vulgar slang, and not allowed. So here's my mom, not only allowing Boo to say it, but saying it herself!! Grandkids have all the luck... ;)

Apparently I cannot count to save my life. Last week, while working on my scarf, I thought I had less than 60 rows to go. Later that same week, after writing down the last of the rows of colors needed, I discovered that I had more like 120 rows to go. While I was trying to figure out where I went wrong in my calculations, I discovered that I may have added up my total number of rows wrong. (840, as opposed to my initial 830) The jury is still out on that one, though I do know that I only have 48 more rows to go!!! Down to the last 3 colors!!!

Ahh...now my cookies are finally done, so I will end my post here. *and there was much rejoicing.* Hey!! ;)
