To another summer of Italian band!
hey, did this post without a hitch? ;)
2003 marks the beginning of the 7th summer that I have performed with the Italian band. (quick note: no, i am not Italian-being Italian is not a requirement for this particular Italian band. ;) ) We perform at several of the local Italian parish festivals, which usually includes 3-6 processions throughout the summer. We did our first procession of the summer this past Sunday, and later that afternoon, I came up with this list:
Your procession is not complete without one or more of the following:
-Starts anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes late of scheduled step-off time
-Includes most of the Clergymen from the Parish, and a bishop
-Cute little children, usually dressed up as angels or other biblical figures
-One or more of the following statues: Mary, Jesus, or the Patron Saint of the Parish, usually decorated with flowers and money
-the Knights of Columbus
-Women singing 'Ave Maria'
-A prayer group praying the Rosary
-Someone in the crowd trying to direct the band
-Someone in the crowd recognizes a member of the band
-Someone in the crowd shouts out, 'play 118!!' (more on that another time)
-Stopped traffic, with drivers looking either a) amused, b) annoyed, or c) asleep in their car (no joke-that really happened once!)
-One person drops something, does a quick step back and bends over to retrieve it, causing members on both sides to swerve in both directions...usually it's music...(and usually it's mine. ;) )
-Sunny skies and very warm temperatures
-SUNBURN (ow!)
-At least one bad joke (not rude or offensive-just the kind that make you groan and say, 'not another one!'
-Potholes on the paved streets, and missing bricks on brick roads-look out!
-Politicians (usually more prevelant during major election years)
-Lolly the Trolley (usually Holy Reedemer and Mt. Carmel)
-Deaffening fireworks, in the middle of the afternoon, at certain stopping points. The longer the procession, the more stops you are likely to have. (watch out for alleys with abandoned warehouses-fireworks set off their are particularly loud!)
-The Italian and American National Anthems
-A donkey
Ok, so the donkey was only at Holy Rosary, and after the first couple of years that I was there, I think they finally gave up on the poor donkey. Although the processions can be long and tiring, I still enjoy playing and walking in them. What's even better is when people come up to you as you are leaving, and thank you for being there and playing during the procession. It makes it all worthwhile!! :)